TBOTE 105 ☠

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Morning came fast. Eren had fallen asleep late at night.

The twins weren't comfortable in their crib, it wasn't home. So they kept Eren up.

Jazlyn was already taken for testing for the day, leaving Eren to explore for a bit and have breakfast before it was his turn with the twins.

Eren walked into the kitchen area with Ryder and Kari balanced on his hips. He held them tightly.

"Dada dada." Kari babbled and yawned.

"I know Kar. You and Ry are tired. I am too." Eren pecked the baby girl's head.

Ryder was dead asleep in Eren's arms. His exhaustion took over.

As Eren grabbed food and sat down the remarks started again.

They constantly pick and pick. Saying rude, disgusting things.

Eren didn't really let the things get to his brain to comprehend them..he tried to avoid it at all costs. It made him nauseous.

Why where they so rude? Have they not seen a gay male with kids before or something?

Just as Eren was losing hope in anyone being nice in the whole cafeteria a male sat across from Eren.

He was younger looking, and actually looked like a normal person. (Don't worry, he's just a side character. He is not an Aki.)

"Sorry about..them." The male said with a chuckle. "I'm Jesse by the way."

Eren smiled and let out a small laugh. "It's alright, I guess it's weird to see a guy like this." He held up the twins before setting them on his lap. "I'm Eren."

"I know." Jesse laughed. "The doctor has been talking about you. Our doctor communicates with your doctor, your father correct?"

Eren nodded. "Yeah, my father."

Jesse leaned closer, whispering. "The doctor won't tell us how you became immune. Will you tell me?" He asked.

Eren sighed. "My dad experimented on me from when I was ten years old to fifteen years old. I ran away, and then was attacked." He set the twins down on the table and lifted his shirt slightly, revealing the bite scars on his chest. "Once I was bitten multiple times I found out I was immune. Whatever my dad injected in me worked over the years."

Jesse raised an eyebrow. "Oh wow. What a story."

"Heh..yeah." Eren looked down.

Kari looked at Jesse and pointed at him. "Brat!" She giggled.

Jesse chuckled. "Uh. Thanks?"

Eren laughed quietly. "Sorry. They like to say brat a lot. They got it from their dad."

"Oh, you're still with the father?" Jesse asked. "Why didn't you bring him along?"

"Yeah..my dad told me I wasn't allowed to bring anyone with me that wasn't needed. He said that's what you guys said." Eren mumbled.

"Oh. We never said that. If you wanted to bring your boyfriend you could've."

"Fiancé." Eren corrected with a small smile.

"Fiancé." Jesse corrected himself after hearing Eren correct him and smiled, rolling his eyes jokingly.

"So my dad said what he said just to get my fiancé away. Uhh. That annoying old man, I thought he accepted Levi and I already." Eren mumbled to himself.

Ryder woke up from his nap and looked around, rubbing his eyes. "Bottle. Dada, cuddles." Ryder held his arms out, wanting to be cuddled by Eren.

"Ry, I just gave you a bottle. We can cuddle after I eat, alright?" Eren smiled and pecked the boy's nose.

"Okay dada." Ryder giggled and started tickling Kari.

Kari squeaked and giggled.

"So..how has life been since you met this 'Levi' guy?" Jesse asked, truly curious.

"Uh. Crazy. It's insane, we used to have problems and arguments a lot. We've gotten better now, but there are things we did to hurt each other that will never be the same." Eren looked around the room. "What about you? How is your life?"

"Boring. I haven't seen my family since I was drafted to try and fight against the infected years ago. Maybe five to six years. I'm not sure."

Eren nodded. "Oh, what do you think happened to them?"

"They were supposedly staying with my uncle and cousin in a community they made. I'm not allowed to leave often so they wouldn't let me visit."

Eren froze. It couldn't be.. It was just Aki and his dad that established the community he stayed at..

"I stayed at a community a few months back that was led by a father and son.." Eren mumbled, not wanting to ask if he was related to Aki.

"Oh really? Maybe it was the same one." Jesse shrugged. "How's it doing?"

"It's gone." Eren said quietly and looked down. "Infected got in."

"Oh.." Jesse frowned. "I'm really hoping we're not talking about the same one then."

"Me too." Eren started eating again, not knowing what to say.

"Hopefully all of this ends. Getting out of here sounds amazing. Having a life, a family. That's really all I want." Jesse mumbled. "Having a family now is so dangerous. It's good for you, your kids are immune." Jesse looked at the twins. "Did you want to have them?"

Eren sighed. "They weren't really planned. It just happened, but I'm happy I have them now." He bounced be twins on his lap. "They're what I live for."

"I can see that." Jesse stood up. "I'm going to see if Jazlyn is done with her testing. It was supposed to take all day, but they're really eager to just get to your blood and the blood from the twins."

Eren raised an eyebrow. "I get my blood is stronger than Jazlyn's, and the twins' blood is stronger than mine, but why would they rush?"

Jesse looked at Eren and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess that want to get it done." He walked away to the lab.

Eren got a bit nervous from Jesse's words. What does that even mean?

Do they just want The twins and Eren for blood?

Jazlyn's blood wasn't as effective as Eren's, although many believed it was, even Grisha did.


Hey! Another update c: I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment if you did c:

Thank you for reading!



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