TBOTE 82 ☠

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The next morning came hours later. Levi and Eren knocked out on the couch with the twins in their arms.

Mikasa walked into the house with Yukara. "Long night I guess." She said, causing Yukara to laugh.

"Wake up!" Yukara said loudly. The twins were already awake and were babbling quietly to each other.

Levi was the first to wake up and groaned. "Go away."

"Hanji and Erwin made breakfast for all of us though." Mikasa said and smiled.

Eren's eyes immediately snapped open and he stood up, holding Ryder. "Let's eat." He said sleepily.

Levi chuckled quietly and stood up with Kari in his arms. "Fine."

They all met up at the table and ate. The did the usual, talking and laughing-- well everyone but Levi.


"I'm going for a supply run with Erwin." Levi told Eren as he walked into the house. He leaned over and pecked Eren's lips and kissed the twins on the head softly.

"Be safe alright?" Eren said with a small smile, returning the peck.

Levi nodded. "Always." He walked to the door and sighed. He walked over to Erwin and the two left.


"So..we came on a 'supply run' just for a pregnancy test?" Erwin asked as he walked down the abandoned road with Levi.

"Yeah. Eren keeps avoiding this. I need to know once and for all." Levi grumbled.

Erwin rolled his eyes and sighed. "He probably isn't Levi. That's one slip up."

Levi glared at Erwin. "If it was you with Eren wouldn't you want to know?"

Erwin stayed quietly and sighed.

"Exactly." Levi crossed his arms.

"Oh, the things I would do to Eren if he was mine." Erwin teased, not being serious. He just wanted to annoy Levi.

Levi punched Erwin's shoulder. "Shut up."

"We'd be at it everyday." Erwin smirked. "There'd be many more kids than those twins, if you know what I'm saying." He chuckled at Levi's disgusted face.

"I get your joking but you're still a disgusting pig." Levi grumbled. "Nobody will ever be with you Erwin."

"I know. The woman I was with died in the beginning of the outbreak and she left me with Yukara. We weren't together."

"Everyone remembers that day." Levi sighed.

"It's unforgettable."

The two saw a small store and snuck in quietly.

Levi dug through piles of goods that they had no use for until he found a new pregnancy test. He held it in his hand and watched as Erwin looked around for food.

"Come on." Levi practically dragged Erwin out of the store and back to the little community they had made.


Eren sat outside bouncing the twins on his lap. He smiled at their smiles and little giggles. His smile faded once he saw Levi walking and waving a pregnancy test in the air.

"Time to get to business." Levi grumbled and took the twins from Eren, handing him the test.

Eren bit his lip and nodded. "Fine." He walked into the house with the test.

"Damn you didn't even ease into it." Erwin said with a small chuckle.

Eren's hands lightly shook as he held the test. There was probably a 50/50 chance he was pregnant. It it was positive he knew things were over.

"Ugh I can't do this." He mumbled and locked himself in the bathroom. "I'm too nervous."

He set the pregnancy test on the sink and walked out. He approached Levi. "I'll take it tonight."

"Eren." Levi groaned, annoyed. "I'm not fucking around. Take the test."

"Later." Eren turned and walked over to Mikasa. "Hey can you watch the twins tonight?"

Mikasa raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Yeah, so..ew."

"We need a break for a night to catch up on sleep, shush." Eren walked back over to Levi.

"Can we talk?" Levi asked, handing Erwin the twins.

Erwin held them awkwardly and looked around for Hanji.

Eren nodded and followed Levi out of the small community gate. They walked along the path to the woods together.

"You know why I'm so mad about this and stern, but you keep refusing." Levi mumbled.

Eren slowly laced his fingers with Levi's as they walked. "I'm sure I'm not pregnant."

"You're nervous. You don't know for sure Eren. Stop lying."

Eren sighed and nodded. "Fine. I know I didn't show any symptoms with the twins and now I'm not showing anything. I'm worried I will be and that you'll leave me completely. If I am I don't blame you for leaving me, but what about the twins? They need their father. You're not like my dad..he's a crazy scientist wacko that's probably dead already. You're somewhat normal."

Levi sighed. "Eren, you weren't forced to what you did with Aki. You wanted it, so if you are pregnant you have to deal with the consequences.

"I won't leave and go on my own if you're pregnant, but we won't be together." Levi said emotionlessly.

Eren's eyes widened slightly. "We've had an off and on relationship for so long..who knows it could almost be a year soon.."

"We don't even know how old the twins are right now, what makes you think we'll know we've been together for a year?" Levi mumbled.

Eren frowned and let go of Levi's hand slowly. "I was just saying.."

"We can't go by years, days, weeks, months..it's been too long."

"Yeah, yeah." Eren sighed. "I know, you don't have to be so..Levi about it."

"So Levi?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you have your own mood or something." Eren bit his lip and was a bit surprised when he felt Levi grab his hand.

Levi held Eren's hand tightly and looked up at Eren. "You're really the only person that knows me well and can see how I feel. You know I'm really hoping you're not pregnant."

"I know, and I'm not. Let's just keep saying that." Eren whispered and gave Levi a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.


A/N: that moment when I thought I updated yesterday... I'm a fail! Thank you for reading, please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

What happened to the character Q&A? It kinda died ;-;

This story almost has 100 chapters..that's mind blowing..


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