TBOTE 33 ☠

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(Leave your questions for the character Q&A)

Morning came and everyone woke up.

Levi's first thought was what was wrong with Eren. He shook him awake and looked down at him.

Eren groaned quietly and sat up. "What? Can't I get any sleep?"

"You said you'd tell me about what's wrong in the morning."

Eren sighed. "I know, but you didn't have to forcefully wake me."

Levi rolled his eyes and pulled the covers off of Eren, lifting his shirt up. He had a large bruise on his upper stomach. "What is this?" He asked, concerned.

"That guard that threw me down a couple of weeks ago..when I hit the ground I got a bruise, but it's been what? A month? It hasn't gone away yet." Eren pulled his shirt down and bit his lip.

Levi pulled Eren out of the bed and dragged him to Grisha's lab. He opened the door. "Eren has something wrong. This is an emergency."

Grisha looked away from Jazlyn, who was hooked up to a few machines in his lab. "What is it?"

"Eren has a bruise on his stomach that won't go away." Levi lifted Eren's shirt to reveal a bruise. It was already fading purple into a greenish color.

Grisha raised an eyebrow. "How long has it been there?"

"More than a month." Eren bit his lip. "It was when the guard threw me to the ground." He sighed.

"I may have to do some blood tests." Grisha mumbled. "It could just be the blood from the bruise trapped there, or something more serious."

Levi narrowed his eyes. "You're taking this lightly. Eren could be in serious danger right now."

"Hmm." Grisha ignored Levi and started digging through his drawer. "The chemicals I gave you have some side affects, this may be one of them. It isn't letting the bruise go away."

"So are you saying this chemical you gave him could give him some blood disorder or something?" Levi crossed his arms.

"Maybe." Grisha shrugged.

(Literally using Google for all of this cx)

"You don't think this is a big deal? It's serious and don't you think this could affect the baby?"

Grisha rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "It's nothing that I can't take care of. I have all of the medical supplies."

Levi crossed his arms and took Eren's hand. He pulled him out of the room. "Is he always like that?"

"Like what?" Eren asked and followed Levi as he led him away.

"He doesn't make a big deal about it or care that much. He just automatically assumes he can handle it." Levi grumbled.

"He's always been like that. Always." Eren sighed. "He thinks he'll be able to control it all. No matter how bad."

"What if this requires something we can't get?" Levi asked and leaned against the wall in the hospital corridor.

Eren shrugged. "I don't know..it depends, would I be able to live with whatever I have, if I even have anything?"

Levi sighed and crossed his arms. "I think it's time you go for the ultrasound before going back to your father about the bruise. Alright?"

Eren nodded and looked down. "Alright, let's go."

Eren had been nervous, he was afraid something would be wrong with the baby, but he knew he couldn't avoid the ultrasound forever.

The two walked to the nursery area and got the doctor. She led Eren into a room and let him lie down.

(I don't know the machines name, to google! cx)

The doctor lifted Eren's shirt up slowly and gave Levi a questioning look. For a moment she thought maybe Levi gave him that bruise.

"I fell." Eren blurted out before the Doctor's mind could wander more. "A guard threw me down a month ago."

She nodded and took the transducer probe out. She squeezed the tube of gel along his stomach and looked at Eren. "Ready?" She asked and smiled.

Eren nodded, excited and very nervous. He took Levi's hand and looked at the man.

Levi squeezed Eren's hand reassuringly.

The Doctor pressed the transducer probe to Eren's lower stomach and slowly started moving it around. She pointed to the monitor next to the bed.

"Do you two want to see it now or just know the baby is healthy?"

Eren shook his head. "I don't want to see anything yet."

Levi shrugged. "I'll go along with what Eren says."

The doctor nodded and turned the monitor out of their view.

"You don't even want to know the genders?" The doctor smiled and laughed quietly.

Genders? Levi thought as he looked at Eren, noticing the boy didn't pick up on the doctor's words. There was only one baby, right? He thought again as he yearned to look at the monitor and find out.

"Maybe next month." Eren smiled lightly.

After a few minutes the doctor turned the monitor off and wiped Eren's stomach off.

"The baby seems to be healthy, but with that bruise I'm a bit worried. So I'd like to see you here every few weeks."

Eren nodded and stood up from lying down. "Alright, thank you."

The doctor nodded and Eren walked out with Levi.

"You didn't pick up on what she said?" Levi asked and raised an eyebrow.

"What did she say?" Eren looked at Levi curiously.


(Q&A Time! Even if these weren't even for the character Q&A if I see a question mark I automatically add it in XD)

@book_binder asked, Grisha, do u not care bout your son?

Grisha sighed and crossed his arms. "He's my son, of course I care. I know when Eren really is in danger and when he isn't. Erwin holding a gun up to his head was nothing. I knew he wouldn't do it."


A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry I took a bit longer! I left at 1 AM for a 12 hour drive from New York to South Carolina! :3 I'm still on the road right now cx I hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment if you'd like to see more very soon!



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