TBOTE 155 ☠️

660 47 10

Eren fell asleep in Levi's arms.

He had worried about Armin all night until he blacked out.

Levi ran his hands through Eren's hair and hummed to his fiancé soothingly.


Armin was lost. Abandoned. Heartbroken.

"Jesse. Why'd you have to leave me like that?" He whispered to himself, blood still oozing from his numerous wounds.

"To die..to rot." The blonde added, fists clenched. "I can't do this."

A voice could be heard close behind.

Armin turned to see an infected, moaning and groaning.

The teen only limped faster. He didn't have the strength to fight.


Jaxon began getting fussy. He was squirming and crying, but Eren didn't react.

He had been staring at the wall. Unable to respond.

"Baby." Levi raised an eyebrow and shook Eren's shoulder slightly.

Eren shook his head quickly as he snapped out of his daze and picked Jaxon up. He rocked the infant. He was frustrated. Life was hard.

Levi sighed and pulled Eren to his chest. The teen's back was right up against the man's chest. The twins were asleep to the side.

While Jaxon nibbled on Eren's fingers, he could feel Levi kissing along his shoulder.

"Hey, watch it." Eren grumbled. "Don't leave a mark. The twins will ask what it is."

"Oh shut up. Just tell them it's a love bite." Levi purposely nipped and sucked at the skin.

Eren shook slightly and shivered. He felt strange having this done to him while he held his baby. He moved away and stood up.

Levi rolled his eyes and lied back. "Wow."

"Sorry, I'm not up for sex when my best friend is out there somewhere. We don't know if he's dead or alive." The bright eyed teen rocked Jaxon even more.

Jaxon's bottom lip quivered.

Eren could melt just looking at his little baby boy. He glanced over at the twins. He had three kids. He was young. Oh so young.

The life expectancy of humans was definitely shorter with the infected so.. in some way having kids so early was a good thing. He wasn't going to live until he was old.

Neither was Levi.

When he thought about it.. they weren't going to get old and gray. Have grandchildren.

Their kids were going to grow up fighting and not wanting kids. If they did have kids, they'd have a slim chance of living. Eren and Levi wouldn't be around to help.

Eren didn't have much positivity. He gave up on hope. The only hope he had was for his three children. He hoped they would live. That was all. He himself was the hope, and believing in himself wasn't an option.

Ryder slowly woke up. Rubbing his eyes with his tiny little hands, he sat up. Bed head, small smile on his face. He had a few teeth poking through his gums.

Rika was still knocked out at her brother's side.

"Eren." Levi could see Eren was in deep thought, that he was questioning everything.

Eren shook his head. "What?"

Levi simply stayed silent and rolled his eyes. He scooped Ryder up suddenly, earning a squeak from the baby boy.

A small chuckle escaped the man's mouth. He didn't want this in the beginning. A serious relationship, a family. He didn't think it was actually possible.

Ryder squirmed. "Dada!"

Levi ran a thumb along Ryder's smooth cheek. He pinched the child's chubby cheek gently.

Ryder whined and squirmed. "No." He pointed and furrowed his little brows.

Levi sighed. "Eren, think about it. Either way, you can't beat yourself up over this. Jesse left him. I bet he even regrets it. So don't be upset. Armin will always be with us. He was a fighter. Left a fighter."

"He's not dead!" Eren screamed, causing Jaxon to begin wailing.

Levi grew angry. "Enough Eren! You're not in love with this kid. He was your friend."

"Levi I was with him. I kissed him. I was WITH him while we were apart. He's still important to me. He still means a lot. He's been there since day one. Since babies.." Eren whimpered and rocked Jaxon more to calm him.

Levi questioned Eren's words. Yes, Eren lost someone important once again, but he wasn't himself. He wasn't the best with his children and they needed him. All he thought about was Armin.

Armin was most likely dead and gone. An infected walking around. Wanting to attack the living.


Heyyyy sorry I haven't updated.

Anyways, please like a comment! Share as well (:

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