TBOTE 138 ☠

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Levi left the hospital and wandered the abandoned streets in search of Eren.

He was determined to find his fiancé and meet his new baby.

Levi walked along the road with his bag over his shoulder. He didn't see many infected, and when he did he just ran to lose them. He wanted to keep his anger and strength for the military facility.

He was going to kill as many people as he needed to. He was going to get Eren.

Days went by. It consisted of eating and no sleeping. He was exhausted and came so close to getting attacked by infected.


Mikasa walked into Levi's room to check up on Kari and Ryder. Her eyes widened when she found the note. "Levi is gone?!" She quickly picked up the twins and bit his lip.

She hurried to tell the other's.


Levi eventually came up to a building. It looked similar to the facility he remembered seeing when he was brought by the soldiers to see Eren.

He bit his lip and approached the building. He slowly leaned against the wall and prepared himself to sneak in.

He saw an A/C vent. He looked disgusted, but it really was his only way in.

Levi slowly lifted the chute and climbed in. The tunnel was narrow and was very dusty.

He held onto the sides of the tunnel and used a bit of strength to climb up.

He could hear talking as he passed every room. He eventually heard Eren's voice and peeked through the vent.

Eren was in tears, whimpering loudly.

A man was pushing himself on Eren.

"Don't touch me! It hasn't been a week!" Eren yelled and pushed against the man. "Please..just stop.."

The new commander smirked. "I don't see what we have to wait."'

Jaxon started crying in his cradle next to the bed.

Eren pushed and tried to reach for his baby but was stopped by the new commander.

The new commander stood up and picked up a pillow. "We don't want any children here unless they're the babies from the soldiers. Your child doesn't need to live." He stuffed the pillow on Jaxon, trying to suffocate him.

Eren cried harder and pulled at the commander's arm. "Don't..please! My baby!" He yelled and pulled more.

The commander turned and pushed Eren back in one swift movement.

The teen stumbled and fell back, whimpering. He could feel the stitches on his abdomen open. "Ow."

Levi was angered. He was shocked by what he had just witnessed. Eren went from almost having sex with the commander to the commander trying to kill his baby.

Levi slowly popped open the vent and jumped down. He was quiet, not even Eren noticed him. He went up from behind and snapped the new commander's neck, killing him instantly.

The commander fell back and Eren looked up with wide eyes. He shot up and lifted the pillow from Jaxon and picked him up.

Levi watched closely.

"You finally came." Eren whispered.

"I'm sorry I took so long." Levi frowned.

"It's fine, I didn't want you here anyways. Every time I saw you the old commander would force sex on me afterwards. I killed him." Eren mumbled. "This is Jaxon by the way."

Levi walked closer and didn't say anything. He kissed Eren and held him close. "I'm sorry Eren. I missed so much. I missed the birth of our son."

"I escaped and cut him out myself. It was in the woods. I started bleeding out so I had to come back." Eren whispered. "I want to go home."

"I do too. Kari and Ryder miss you so much Eren. I missed you." Levi rested a hand on Jaxon's head and the other on Eren's cheek. "I was never going to stop looking. I was going to look and fight until I died."

Eren wiped stray tears from his cheeks and set Jaxon down back in his cradle. He hugged Levi and kissed him. "I've wanted to touch you for so long Levi. I've wanted to kiss you and hold you and hug you and love you.."

Levi held Eren close and played with his hair. "We will never be apart again. We're getting out and then leaving the hospital for good. Goodbye Grisha and doctors. There are uninhabited islands off of the coast. I'm sure we could go there. It'd be safe."

Eren nodded. "That's a pretty good idea. We wouldn't have to worry about infected." He smiled faintly. "Do the others know you're here?"

"Uh I left a note so..probably?"

Eren raised an eyebrow. "Levi!"

They both turned suddenly when they heard sounds from the vent.

Armin popped out and smiled. "Hey guys!"


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