TBOTE 66 ☠

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Eren sat alone on the bed as he stared down at his hands.

"I'm such an idiot.." He mumbled to himself. "I didn't expect Levi to get that mad."


Once Levi finally calmed down he sat with Hanji on the couch. The twins rested on his lap. He stayed silent.

Everyone was awake, although it was about 3 am.

Jean and Marco sat on the floor with Armin and just stared at each other.

"How do you know they went that far?" Erwin asked as he handed Levi a cup of tea.

"I just fucking know alright?!" Levi spat angrily.

"How does it feel having it done to you?" Hanji said, making a point. "You shouldn't get so pissed off. You did it to him first."

Levi shook his head. "Sometimes I forget Eren is a fucking teenager. He wants revenge or some shit? We just got over all of that and he has to start things."

Hanji looked down and shook her head. "There are times Eren acts mature and then there's when his childishness shows."

"What I did months ago was out of pain..I know it was still wrong but I really thought I wasn't going to see my pregnant boyfriend again. Every time I did it I imagined Eren. Eren did this on purpose he knew what he was doing. He's not hurt or lonely or in pain. This was just him thinking revenge would be fun." Levi grumbled and held the twins to his chest.

"Can someone go get the crib. I'm watching the twins down here tonight." Levi said as he looked down.

Hanji and Mikasa walked upstairs and talked in the hall. "Levi is more upset than we think." She sighed.

Mikasa nodded. "Yeah..I thought I know Eren so well..that he wouldn't ever stoop this low.." They stopped talking and walked into the room to see Eren with his face buried in his hands.

Eren looked up at Mikasa as he sobbed. "Mikasa..h-he didn't use a condom." He hiccuped and wiped his eyes.

Mikasa's and Hanji's eyes widened. "Are you serious?!" She yelled at Eren. As she stood, looking down at the crying boy. "You're such an idiot Eren. You really messed up."

"I know that..just please don't tell Levi about it." Eren begged.

"Did he pull out?" Hanji asked.

Eren stayed quiet and looked down.

Mikasa already knew the answer. "You could get pregnant Eren."

"I know." He sighed. "Don't tell Levi. He honestly wanted to beat the shit out of me. I really don't need him to come after me and try to kill me or Aki."

Mikasa just shook her head and picked up the crib with Hanji. "Levi wants the twins for the night." She said and Eren frowned. "He's staying downstairs."

Mikasa scoffed. "Obviously. Why would he stay with you?" She said and walked out with Hanji.


Eren wiped his eyes before taking his pants off and throwing them away, along with his ripped shirt that was on the floor. He didn't want any memories of the night.

He would have to go to the infirmary and find out a way to secretly get a pregnancy test. He hoped it was negative. Levi definitely wouldn't forgive him if he got pregnant by Aki.

Eren got pregnant easily-- he got pregnant his first time with Levi. Imagine at that moment..he had already been pregnant. What if the chances were higher.

The boy would be so nervous for the next weeks to come, until he could take a test. An idea came to mind and he decided to wait until morning.


After a long night of rolling around in bed alone Eren dressed himself and headed out to the infirmary at the far end.

He walked in and was met by a small female nurse. "Hello." She smiled, being friendly.

"Hi..uh.." Eren's awkward side took over. "Do you have any morning after pills or something?"

The nurse raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Yes." She leaned down under the counter and handed Eren a small box. "You should use protection next time kid." The nurse mumbled. "We have here."

"I know I know." Eren sighed and turned to the door. "Thank you."

Aki leaned outside waiting for Eren. He had walked to the infirmary for some pain killers for a massive headache. He wasn't in the best of moods and got grumpier at the sight of a pregnancy contraceptive in Eren's hand.

He grabbed Eren's wrist and held it. "What are you doing?" Aki hissed.

Eren raised an eyebrow. "I need to make sure I don't get pregnant." He mumbled.

"You won't be needing that. I better not find you getting another one." Aki said and dragged Eren into the infirmary. He made Eren hand it back.

The nurse knew how obsessive Aki was and gave Eren a worried look.

Eren frowned and walked out, pushing Aki. "I'm not getting pregnant."

Aki followed and rolled his eyes. "Oh please, you probably are. We'll have to wait and see." He smirked and lightly patted Eren's bottom once before walking away.

Eren glared and bit his lip and looked down. He stormed back into the house to see everyone sitting in the living room. They all ignored Eren and the boy frowned, walking into the kitchen.

They were really ignoring him. Forgetting he existed..

Eren was seriously stuck, because of his horrible decision and Aki making sure he couldn't take contraceptive pills he could be pregnant.

The twins were only a few weeks old, almost a month and Eren still had a nasty scar on his stomach. Well the bite scars were still ten times worse.

Eren was surprised Aki didn't ask about the bite marks on his chest and stomach. Was Aki really that distracted with getting into the younger teen's pants that he couldn't even see bite marks on his naked body?

He made himself a cup of tea and locked himself in his bedroom. He sat on the large bed and rolled around uncomfortably. He really didn't want to be pregnant again, at least not so soon.


I'm so mad. While I was sleeping two people joined my ereri group chat and SPAMMED me on how ereri was rape and how eremika is better. I'm honestly so upset right now and woke up at 4:30 AM and checked my phone and expected to just go back to sleep. I am so worked up I can't fall back asleep..I have to be up at 5:30. Has this happened to anyone else? This rudeness? I don't understand how it's rape. In their time fifteen year olds are already soldiers, doesn't that show they give them an older mindset anyways? And it's not like I'm writing about Eren getting raped by Levi. It's a relationship they both want. If it's a relationship they both want it should be fine. And plus, they're anime characters-- NOT real people. Am I the only one that things this way?


.A/N: DONT HATE ME~ heh but don't worry, things will be better...eventually XD

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