TBOTE 39 ☠

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-leave your questions for the character Q&A!-

Another week had gone by and Eren had started avoiding everyone.

He felt like he was bothering others. He didn't know what he wanted anymore. He loved Armin, but not as much and in the way he loved Levi.

Eren couldn't go back to Levi, so much happened. Their relationship was so broken and ruined.

It was beyond repair.

Eren had decided to finally to go to another ultrasound. He would be finding out everything.

He approached the nursing area of the hospital and met up with the same doctor.

After the same long process of using the machine the doctor smiled and turned the screen to Eren.

She pointed to a white blob. "That's a baby, and he's a boy." She smiled.

Eren was a bit disappointed, wanting a girl, but he would still love his little boy so much.

"Ooo and I see another one." The doctor spoke eagerly trying to make Eren smile. "This one is a girl."

Eren's eyes widened and he smiled. "So..twins?"

The doctor nodded. "One girl and one boy. They're both healthy. Want a copy of the sonogram?"

Eren nodded and watched as it printed out. He took the sonogram and stared at it.

"Wow.." He thought, "I'm having twins.."

"Come back again next month."

Eren nodded and walked out with the small picture to his chest. He didn't know who to tell. "Do I tell Levi?" He thought and sighed. "He is the father...but he doesn't care."

The boy's eyes watered and he looked down. "I hate this so much." He leaned against the wall before sliding down on it. His bottom hit the floor. He stared down at the sonogram, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Levi walked out of his room and down the hall, going for a shift at guarding the gates. He had made plans to talk to Grisha about leaving.

He noticed Eren at the other side of the hall and slowly walked over. "Eren?" He watched the boy closely and frowned lightly when he saw Eren's shoulders shaking.

"W-What do you want?" Eren whimpered and looked up at Levi, trying to hide the sonogram.

"Are you alright?" Levi asked as he tried to reach out to grab the small picture. "What's that?"

"I'm fine and nothing you should be concerned about." Eren wiped his tears and tried to put his emotionless walls back up, not wanting Levi to get through to him.

"Let me see." Levi whispered and watched as Eren cried harder. He handed Levi the sonogram.

"Twins. A boy and a girl." Eren said softly as he rested his hand on his stomach.

"Wow." Levi said quietly and looked down at Eren.

Eren expected some rejection, even though they weren't even together, and closed his eyes. Ready for the painful words.

Instead, Levi walked closer and ran his hand through Eren's hair. "Great to hear. So they're healthy?" He asked.

Eren blushed lightly and nodded. "Yes."

"What about you? How's that bruise?"

Eren lifted up his shirt to reveal the bruise slightly lighter. "It's a little better."

"Oh, you should still get that checked out more." Levi said.

"Why is he being so nice?" Eren thought and looked away. "Uh yeah I know." He whispered.

"So..how is guarding?" Eren asked and bit his lip.

"Fine. It's really really boring though. We hardly see any infected coming to the gates anymore."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Eren asked and looked up at Levi.

Levi handed Eren back the sonogram and shrugged. "I guess, but there's no more action."

"Maybe no action is a good thing. At least we're all safe."

"I guess, but things aren't like how they used to be. Erwin thinks the number of infected is going down."

"Wow." Eren mumbled. "He's a guard too right?"

"Yeah. We're on the same side of the gate. The rest of Erwin's people are in charge of hunting and none of them have seen infected roaming the forest in days."

"A world without infected would be amazing." Eren said quietly and stood up from sitting on the ground.

"Yeah, I guess. But for me even if life goes back to how it was it'll be the same."

"What do you mean?" Eren asked, crossing his arms.

"I have no one." Levi sighed. "It's how it was in the beginning and now the end. I'll go back to my usual stay home all day and go to work at night routine like before the outbreak."

Eren nodded and looked down. "I wish I knew you before the apocalypse."

"Eren you were ten. I was twenty." Levi said quietly.

"Oh..right." Eren folded the sonogram and handed it to Levi. "Take it."

Levi looked down at the sonogram in his hand. "Why?"

"I know you don't care, but please just take it. I don't want anyone else to know I went for the ultrasound. I was supposed to take Armin with me and I didn't want to." Eren whispered, taking Levi's hand and closing it around the folded sonogram.

"Don't you dare put words in my mouth Eren. I never said I didn't care."

"I never heard you say it but I could tell you were thinking it. It was obvious." Eren walked away. That was the most Eren and Levi had said to each other in months. Even when they were together, they never talked like that.


"Where were you?" Armin asked as Mikasa watched the two in their room.

"I went for a walk." Eren shrugged.

"A walk?" Mikasa raised an eyebrow. "Someone told me they saw you talking to Levi."

Eren's eyes widened. "Who?! Fuck, was it Jean? That asshole."

Armin chuckled before getting serious. "So you did talk to Levi?"

"Yeah, we bumped into each other and made stranger small talk."

"Oh." Armin sighed and nodded.


Q&A TIME! :3

@LeslieIsABunny asked- "Hm. Levi, if you had to get with someone other than Eren, who would it be?"

Levi sighed quietly and crossed his arms. "Well being with Eren was my first real relationship. I usually just hook up with people. If I had to get with someone other than Eren it'd be with more than one person." He shrugged.


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A/N: Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed please vote and comment! It would mean a lot and would motivate me to write and update faster!

Thanks again!


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