TBOTE 53 ☠

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"What happened between you and Levi?" Mikasa asked, frowning.

"Nothing." Eren sighed.

"Hold on." Mikasa stopped the group and gave Kari to Marco and Ryder to Jean.

Jean held Ryder awkwardly. "How do you hold a baby?" He asked Marco and laughed quietly.

Marco rolled his eyes. "You're doing it right now."

Mikasa dragged Eren away to a secluded area. "Eren talk to me."

"He only wanted sex." Eren blurted out and looked down.

"What do you mean?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Levi came to my room Mikasa..he started saying things about how he wanted to fix it all..I thought it would be good, just us getting together for the night. I thought things would work out again. It was so rough and it hurt so much." Eren lowered his head, his bangs covering his eyes.

"It didn't sound like it hurt for you. You were moaning up a storm." Mikasa mumbled but was cut off by Eren raising his hand.

"How else do I react? I know he wouldn't have stopped if I told him to. It felt good I guess, but I got my hopes up." Eren played with his fingers nervously as he stared at the ground. "I know I always said I hated him, I think everyone knows I really don't. Everyone knows I love him and want to be with him again. I just feel used." He said as his voice cracked, causing tears to flow freely from his eyes.

Mikasa listened intently and nodded slowly.

"He pulled out at the end and was satisfied. I wasn't. He left and went back to his room. Leaving me there with a sore ass and a stinging c-section wound!" He yelled, starting to get frustrated.

Everyone could hear Eren's yelling. All eyes went towards Levi, knowing it was his fault.

"You'd think the man that said he wanted to fix things wouldn't just get dressed and leave! He's done so much..from cheating on me to rejecting the twins for a period of time, but I honestly forgave him. I never told him that, but I came to that. He always said he'd try to be better, he'd change..but he hasn't done any of that. I can't stress enough about this. I repeat the same shit over and over and over again and it leads to nothing." Eren ranted and punched the brick wall besides them in frustration. He cried out as the bone instantly broke and started bleeding. "I'm done."

(I honestly think Eren needs a Troy Bolton "Bet on it" moment. Did anybody else watch HSM as a child? XD)

Mikasa gritted her teeth. "You idiot." She grabbed Eren's hand firmly, but gently as she examined the wound. "It's bleeding a lot."

Eren yanked his hand away. "Let it." He placed his hand back to his side as it dripped blood. "I can't do this anymore. I feel like I'm going insane!"

Mikasa gripped Eren's shoulders and shook him lightly. "Eren, I know things are fucked up right now, but it will get better."

"I doubt it." Eren frowned. "It's only going downhill from here Mikasa."

Mikasa had enough with Eren's negativity and shook him once harder. "Listen, I can see this is all hard for you, but you can't just give up and shut down. You have twins now! You're their only hope! You even said it yourself, the twins make you think life is worth living again. Just think about them in these times."

Eren shoulders shook. "These twins were brought into a horrible world. If they don't die from the infected they'll die from disease or other humans."

"Stop being so negative!" Mikasa yelled. Even she wasn't this negative about things.

"They'll die." Eren cried as he started to feel himself shutting down. His breath increasing as he felt a burning pain in his chest. "What have I done?"

Just as Mikasa opened her mouth to argue another voice stepped in.

"Eren." Levi spoke sternly and walked over to them.

Eren turned away from Levi and wiped his tears. "What do you want?"

"I heard most of that..I thought you'd want me to leave. You said we were broken up so I assumed it would be a quick fuck." Levi sighed and looked at Eren's bloody hand, making a mental note to ask about it at a better time.

"I would never just want a hook up and you know that. I always want to be together after we're both satisfied." Eren crossed his arms and looked down, pouting childishly. "I wanted to cuddle without worrying if Ryder or Kari would wake up and cry for food or a diaper change. Just us." He whimpered and wiped more tears from his cheeks.

"So..you forgive me for what I've done to you?" Levi asked, walking closer.

Eren sighed softly and rested his hands on the brick wall. "I did a long time ago. I just never told you. My heart forgave you, but my mind didn't want you to know I cracked under the pressure and gave in."

Levi took Eren's non-bloody hand, because to Levi blood was still disgusting as ever. He looked up at the slightly taller boy. "Sorry. Let's fix this, for real this time."

Eren nodded slowly and tried to believe what was happening. A part of him thought it was a joke and would go wrong.

"Together?" Levi asked and squeezed Eren's hand that wasn't dripping blood at that moment.

Eren nodded and couldn't help but smile lightly. "Together."

Levi leaned up to peck Eren's lips once before pulling him away back to where the rest of the group was.

Mikasa followed with her arms crossed. She didn't know which she preferred. When they were fighting, or when they were together.

Eren leaned into Levi as they walked and kissed his cheek one, blushing from embarrassment.

"There is no cheating, no secrets, no lying, and no rejecting." Eren said sternly as he looked at Levi. "Got that?"



@kktrys asked- "Levi, can you stop being a dick and actually talk to Eren? Like please!?"

Levi sighed and nodded. "I'm talking to him, things will get better. I know it."


@LeslieIsABunny asked- "Marco, when do you plan to slap some sense into Jean, and make him see how much he obviously wants you?"

Marco blushed lightly and looked down. "Uh..well..I don't know if he realizes he likes me and is trying to ignore it or if he is just an idiot and doesn't resize it himself."


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please don't forget to check out my other Ereri story- "Silver Linings" please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! :3

The Ereri couple is finally back and it's been like what, 20 chapters? XD



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