TBOTE 50 ☠

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Woooow I have over fifty chapters in this story..that sounds so unreal! cx


Levi ran over and took Kari and Ryder from Armin. He handed the twins to Eren and got Armin to help Mikasa hold up the wall.

Hanji and Erwin joined in holding up the door.

Levi looked around for a weapon and found a blade. He clenched it tightly in his hand and looked back at Eren.

"Take the twins to the back room!" Levi yelled to Eren.

Eren nodded and ran into the employees only room. He screamed when he saw that a door leading to an alley was open, the room had a few infected in it.

Eren knew that was the only way out besides the front so he couldn't lock the door from the other side just yet.

He closed the door and quickly went into the bathroom. The boy held the twins to his chest and bit his lip.

"Let the board fall." Levi said to Mikasa as he positioned himself, ready to fight.

Mikasa shook her head. "Are you insane?! We'll all die."

"Just do it." Levi growled in annoyance and watched as Mikasa let the board covering the window fall. He ran towards the bathroom with Armin close behind.

Marco, Jean, Hanji and Erwin stood with Levi. "We'll help." Jean said with a cocky grin as he took out his gun.

Infected started climbing in through the windows, moaning and groaning.

"So this is where they all went when we thought they were gone." Levi grumbled and started stabbing the heads of the infected, making sure to be deep enough and get the brain.

Jean shot any infected that got too close to Levi as Marco made sure the infected in the back room were taken care of. He looked into the alleyway and saw the coast was clear.

There was a fire escape a few feet away that led to another building's roof. "That would be a good place to go." He mumbled as he ran into the bathroom. "We need to escape right now! Follow me!"

Marco led Mikasa, Armin and Eren out of the bathroom and into the back room. They sped towards the fire escape.

Mikasa climbed up and led the way as Eren followed. Armin was behind Eren making sure they weren't being followed by any infected.

Marco went back into the store to Jean, Levi, Hanji and Erwin. "You guys need to come now! Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are on the roof! Run on the fire escape!"

The group turned and dashed out of the building with Marco following.

Levi ran back for a split second to grab the bag with the twin's food and clothing.

The five climbed up the fire escape.

Most made it up fine, but the hinges of the rusty fire escape broke, causing it the start falling.

Marco's eyes widened as he tried to run the last few steps and jump.

"Marco!" Jean's eyes widened as he leaned down and tried to grab his best friend's hand.

Marco was on the side of the building, with his hands gripping the top. He dangled as infected watched from below, ready to devour him.

Jean tried to pull Marco up but couldn't do it alone. "Help!" He yelled to Levi.

Levi walked out and grabbed Marco's other hand and started to pull him up with Jean.

Marco breathed heavily and put a hand to his chest.

Jean quickly embraced Marco in a tight hug. "Ah, I'm so glad you're alright."

Marco smiled lightly and chuckled. "That was a close one."

The two stayed hugging together as Levi looked over at Eren.

He walked over. "You alright? The twins alright?"

Eren nodded and looked away. "Yes."

Hanji squealed. "So many infected in one place! That would've been good research."

Erwin raised an eyebrow. "Research?" He chuckled lightly.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Shut up four eyes, that was serious shit. Someone could've died."

"Marco for example." Jean kept a tight hold on his best friend, trying to get over the fact that he could've died.

Eren held the twins and rocked them gently. "Did anyone think to get the twin's bottles and stuff?"

Levi held up the bag and nodded. "I got it."

Eren walked over and took the bag. He rested the babies down on a blanket as he got their bottles ready.

Levi sighed and watched from a distance.

Hanji elbowed Levi. "Not gonna help him?"

"He doesn't want me to. At all." Levi mumbled and looked down.

"So..he wants you out of their lives?" Hanji asked, frowning.

"Basically." Levi mumbled and looked over at Eren.

"We should keep moving." Eren stood up, interrupting Levi and Hanji.

Mikasa and Armin took care of the babies for Eren as the group started walking.

They walked for what seemed like hours before they found a run down, very small motel.

"Looks like we'll sleep here tonight." Eren said as he looked around cautiously.

He walked up the steps to see five rooms along the top area of the motel. The hallway leading to the rooms was outdoors.

"We'll all occupy these five rooms. Armin and Mikasa can share a room, Jean and Marco can, Hanji and Erwin can, I'll get one with the twins and Levi can have his own." Eren said normally. "Just make sure you lock your door. We'll have to group up if any of the other rooms are messed up."

"We have a problem. How will we get in?"

Eren chuckled. "Easy. Follow me." He led Erwin down to the main office of the small motel. He snuck in and over the office with the keys.

All of the bottom floor keys had been stolen. Eren grabbed the top five and handed Erwin a key. "That was so easy it feels hard." Erwin chuckled.

Eren rolled his eyes and tossed Jean and Marco a key.

Jean caught it and walked to the room with Marco close behind.

Eren gave Mikasa and Armin their key and handed Levi his.

The boy clutched his key in his hand as he reached out for the twins.

"Things have been stressful for you Eren. Armin and I can watch them for tonight." Mikasa smiled faintly.

"Really?" Eren smiled lightly and tilted his head to the side. A part of him didn't want his babies to be with anyone else, but another part of him needed sleep. "Thank you so much." He yawned and went to his room.

Mikasa gave Levi a look and nodded towards Eren.

Levi looked confused for a moment and raised an eyebrow. He turned and walked to his room.


A/N: I honestly have the next like three chapters already ready for posting..but I'm evil and will be posting one daily cx


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