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Joe sighs softly and looks at his sister. "(Y/n) what are you doing?"
"Practicing my calligraphy. Why do you wanna know?"
"Calligraphy? Why the hell are you... Don't tell me you're doing this because of Karou."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away. "No..." She trails off and sighs. "Koji, I know you like Karou. I've decided I'm ok with being just friends."
The green haired man frowns. "Shortskate..."
"I'll find someone else. You two belong together. Don't worry about me. Karou and I are just... I'm just the little sister."

"Did anyone stop and ask what I want?"
The two siblings look over and see the pink haired man.
His arms are crossed and his fan is out.
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. She takes a soft, deep breath but grabs her papers. She rushes over to Karou and smiles. "I've been practicing. Does it look ok?"
The younger male sighs and takes the papers. "You're getting better."
"Maybe someday I'll be better than you. Koji is the best chef; Cherry Blossom is the best skater, and I'll be the best calligrapher."

The two men laugh at the same time, making the girl's heart clench.
They even laugh in unison. I have no chance.
"I thought you said I was the best skater, shortskate?"
"Not a chance you dopey gorilla." Karou and (Y/n) say in unison.
The (h/c) blushes but the pink haired man crosses his arms again.
"That's my nickname. Find a different one (Y/n)."
The girl pouts, puffing out her cheeks. "We've been friends for how many years Karou? Why don't you have a nickname for me?"
"Shortskate is the dumbest nickname I've ever heard, you dopey gorilla. But I love your name (Y/n). That's why I never call you anything else."

The woman blushes but frowns and looks away. "You know now. Be honest, with us both. Do you want to be with either of us?"
Kojiro looks at his best friend and they make eye contact.
(Y/n) sighs but nods. "I'm ok with that. Just promise we can still do calligraphy."
"Of course. I'm sorry I cannot return your feelings. But you really are just a sister to me."
"Oh gods! I've been sisterzoned. My life is over." The woman fake cries into her hands.
Joe rubs her back then hugs her. "Thanks Shortskate."
"That really is the worst nickname. I don't even skateboard. Plus it's like you wanted to call me shortcake but put skate instead."
Joe pouts and pulls away. "Really? You hate it too? I'm sorry (Y/n)."
"I don't hate it. I love it." (Y/n) smiles and hugs the two men.

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