Louis James Moriarty

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(Y/n) concentrates fully, his tongue poking between his lips slightly.
Louis laughs softly and watches. "It doesn't have to be perfect (n/n)."
"It's for William. Of course it has to be perfect."
The blonde boy smiles and shakes his head. "Isn't that my line?"
"Well, yes, but still."
Louis takes a couple steps back to let the (h/c) work.
As he stands there, silently looking over (Y/n)'s face, his heart flutters slightly.
Not only his face but his biceps and shoulder blades against the tight white shirt.

Louis blushes softly and leaves.
(Y/n) watches but goes back to making tonight's dessert.
The youngest Moriarty walks to his brother's room and knocks.
"Come in." William calls then smiles when his brother walks in. "Lou, what brings you here?"
Louis frowns and sits next to his brother. "You know I detest Holmes."
"Yes I am aware."
"But you like him, maybe more than just a fellow genius."
"Well... wait Louis what's this all about?"

He remains quiet and fiddles with his fingers. "It's about (Y/n)."
"Do you have feelings for him?" William asks and smiles softly when his brother blushes again.
"I-I don't know. But I'm happy when I'm with him. Is this how you feel when you talk with Sherlock?"
William laughs softly and nods. "Something akin to it, yes."
"But we can't be together. And if someone were to find out."
"Louis, calm down. Everything will be ok. Firstly you must find out if he feels the same. If he does, perfect. You two can be open here at the manor."
"And if he doesn't? What if he tells-"

William holds up his hand then gently rests it on his shoulder. "He isn't the type. If he doesn't feel the same then you can try to move on."
Louis sighs at his brother's logic but nods. "You're right. I... I will ask after dinner when we're cleaning up."
"Perfect. I wish you the best Lou. But I have a feeling you won't need it."
The younger blonde stands up then leaves.

Come dinner everything goes normal, except William and Louis passing glances once in a while.
(Y/n) notices and frowns. "Have I messed up dinner lord William? Is the dessert awful?"
William looks at the (h/c). "Of course not. Everything is wonderful."
Once the meal is finished everyone leaves except Louis and (Y/n).
The latter male grabs the dishes and carries them into the kitchen.
Louis follows and bites his lip.
(Y/n) turns to see his friend fidgeting nervously. "Lou what's wrong?"

"I...I need to tell you something important. But I don't know how you'll react."
The (h/c) frowns and puts his hand on Louis' bicep. "Never be afraid to ask me anything. Be open and straightforward."
Louis nods and takes a deep breath. "I believe I have feelings for you. Romantic ones."
Both boys blush deeply but (Y/n) smiles.
This gives Louis hope.
"You do?"
He nods quickly.

(Y/n) holds Louis' hand gently. "I do too. I just didn't say anything because I didn't think you felt the same. Especially not toward another man. Plus I was scared that someone would find out and we would... or if lord William or lord Abert found out they would fire me. I had a lot of fears I didn't want to show."
"I as well. I confided in William and he assured me everything would be okay. We can be open here."
"Truly?" (Y/n) asks
Louis nods and smiles.

"May I hold your hand?" (Y/n) asks and gently holds out his hand.
Louis blushes deeply but slowly intertwines their fingers.
(Y/n) looks at their hands and blushes. "It's soft."
"Thank you."
"I wish to take things slow if that's ok." (Y/n) requests, earning a quick nod from his partner.
"I as well. But first may I kiss your cheek."
"Yes of course." (Y/n) moves his head and allows the blonde access.
Louis leans forward and kisses his cheek gently. He smiles softly and pulls away.

"We should um...finish cleaning up."
"Oh yes! Of course (Y/n). Sorry." Louis quickly stumbles out then helps finish cleaning up.
Once the two finish they look at each other, blush then go to their rooms.
(Y/n) sits on his bed and bites his lip. "He feels the same. I'm so lucky."
Once Louis is in his room William knocks and walks in.
"How did it go?"
Without answering Louis smiles, which was all the answer he needed.
"I'm happy for you brother."
"Thank you. I am happy too."

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