Jushiro Ukitake

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Ukitake laughs softly then coughs quietly.
(Y/n) hands his captain his tea and smiles softly. "Sir please don't exert yourself."
"Thank you for worrying (Y/n) but I'm fine."
"The squad is ready for orders whenever you feel up to going. Or I can get Rukia to do it."
"I'll be fine. And please (Y/n) call me Jushiro."
"Just because you are my husband doesn't mean I can be so casual while on the job."
"But we're alone right now."

"Actually I'm here." Renji pipes up and holds up his hand.
The couple looks at the lieutenant.
"I didn't realize you were into men, Captain Ukitake."
"Yes well, there are probably a lot of things you don't know about me. But you're not the only one. Most people don't know (Y/n) and I are married."
"That's because we've been married for so long, plus we keep it on the down low."
"So you guys are hiding. Why?" Renji asks and crosses his arms.

Rukia walks over and crosses her arms. "Renji, what are you doing here at squad 13?"
"Finding out (Y/n) and Ukitake are married I guess."
"Wait, so you two are married? Damn. I owe brother $20." Rukia mumbles and looks away.
"You bet with Byakuya about our relationship?" (Y/n) asks and crosses his arms.
"Well yeah. Cause I thought captain Ukitake was with-"
"Wait, are you flirting with others?" (Y/n) asks quickly.
"What? Of course not." The white haired man responds quickly.

(Y/n) sighs softly but nods. "I would have to take drastic measures."
Ukitake gulps and laughs, rubbing his nape. "Sorry babe."
(Y/n) cups his face and smiles. "It's ok."
Rukia clears her throat. "Anyways are you ready to give orders, captain? The squad is waiting."
The couple looks at the lieutenant then nods.
"Yes, Rukia. I'll be right there." The captain pulls away and follows the woman outside.
Renji rubs the nape of his neck and looks at (Y/n).
"Sorry about that Renji."
"Oh, it's whatever. It's not like it's my place to judge you."
"Thanks. But if you could keep it to yourself that would be great. We don't actually want to make it a big deal."

(Y/n) sips his tea and looks at the moon through the window.
Jushiro walks into their room and kisses his husband's head. "Are you ok?"
"I'm tired. But I'm sure you're more tired. You want tea before bed?"
The white haired man shakes his head. "No. I just wish to hold you for a bit."
(Y/n) smiles while his husband sits behind him.
Ukitake wraps his legs around the other and holds him from behind.
"Is the stress too much?"
"No, I'll be fine."
"Will you tell me if it is?"
"I promise."

"(Y/n) you know we don't have to hide anything anymore right?"
"Yes I know. But it's easier when less people know. Being two men really throws people off. It's not that I'm ashamed or anything, I love you, but still."
"I understand. I just wish I could be a little more open with my affections."
(Y/n) laughs softly. "You're such a softy."
"I like to think I'm the best of both worlds."
The (h/c) nods and kisses his husband.

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