Aki Hayakawa

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"Here we are dear old friend,
You and I drunk again." (Y/n) sings and Aki laughs softly.
"Laughs have been had and tears have been shed,
Maybe the whiskey's gone to my head."
The man holds up his empty glass and sucks on the (h/c)'s neck.
"But if I were gay,
I would give you my heart.
And if I were gay,
You'd be my work of art.
And if I were gay,
We would swim in romance."
Aki sticks his hand down (Y/n)'s boxers.

"But I'm not gay,
So get your hand out of my pants."
The singer pulls his best friend's hand away.
"It's not that I don't care -I do.
I just don't see myself in you."
Aki blushes but smirks.
"Another time, another scene,
I'd be right behind you -if you know what I mean."
The hunter rolls his eyes.

"Cause if I were gay,
I would give you my soul.
And if I were gay,
I would give you my whole being.
And if I were gay,
We would tear down the walls."
Aki sets down his glass and sticks his hand back down (Y/n)'s pants then holds his other hand.

"But I'm not gay,
So won't you stop cupping my...hand."
Aki pulls away and groans.
"We've never hugged.
We've never kissed.
I've never been intimate with your fist."
Aki blushes deeply and looks away. He pulls away and turns his back to his friend.
"You have opened brand new doors,
Get over here and drop your drawers."
Aki turns back quickly only to have (Y/n) slam their lips together.
(Y/n) grips the waistband on Aki's pants and boxers then rips them down.

"I thought you said you weren't gay?" The blue haired boy mumbles.
"And I thought I told you the whiskey is getting to me?"
Aki chuckles and shakes his head. "Who is taking advantage of who then, I wonder."
(Y/n) throws off his own shirt before doing the same to his friend's.
The hunter sighs and finishes undressing.
The two crawl into bed and (Y/n) hovers over Aki.
"Are you gonna put it in already?"
(Y/n) shakes his head then takes Aki down his throat.
The man groans and grips the sheets. "Oh damn. Why are you so good at this?"
(Y/n) doesn't answer and keeps sucking.

Eventually he pulls away then straddles his waist.
Aki lowers the (h/c) onto his length and (Y/n) moans quietly.
"Oh shit! I didn't think you'd stretch me like this." The boy confesses and blushes.
Aki smirks and rubs his hips. "And if you squeeze me like this not only is it gonna hurt you but I won't last long."
Slowly (Y/n) relaxes and moves up and down slowly.
Their moans and panting mix together.
The two roll their hips and (Y/n) moans as Aki goes deeper.
It didn't take long to figure out his pleasure spot and how to abuse it.

By the end both men are panting, sweaty messes.
(Y/n) lays next to Aki and smiles softly.
"Did I turn you gay?" Aki jokes but (Y/n) smiles.
"Ask me again in the morning when I'm sober."
"When I wake up or when you wake up? Those are two different times." Aki jokes again.
(Y/n) pouts and closes his eyes. "Fine. Be that way."

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