Ichigo Kurosaki

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(Y/n) laughs happily and holds her boyfriend's hand.
Ichigo looks at their hands and smiles. "Ya know it's dangerous out right now. There have been more hollow sightings."
"I know. But I wanna support you the best I can, even if I can't fight."
"I wish you would stay away so I don't have to worry about you getting hurt." The boy mumbles.
"No matter where I go in the city Ichigo, a hollow could still appear."
That thought hadn't even crossed his mind and it makes him stop in his tracks.
The girl frowns and looks at her partner. "Ichigo, you don't have to worry. I can see them so I can do my best to run away or lead them to a soul reaper."
"Just promise me you'll stay safe or come find me if you're in trouble."
"I promise." She kisses him gently.

Ichigo pants heavily as he runs to find his girlfriend in the pouring rain. "(Y/n) where are you?" He yells and tries to sense her but he can't concentrate.
(Y/n) coughs up blood and looks at the hand in her chest.
The hollow smirks and pulls his hand out.
"NOOOO," Ichigo screams. He quickly kills the hollow and drops to the ground.
The girl falls backward but her boyfriend catches her before she can hit the ground.
"(Y/n) stay with me. I'll get you some help."
"How cliqué, dying in the rain. I'm sorry Ichi."
"Don't speak (Y/n). You can't die on me."
"I'm sorry. I love you Ichi." She whispers weakly.

The boy wipes her tears. "Please don't leave me too." He begs quietly.
Flashbacks of his mother make him squeeze her tighter.
"Say...you love me...one last time please." She requests, between deep breaths.
"I love you (Y/n)."
Before he could finish her body goes limp.
The light in her eyes disappears and tears begin streaming down his cheeks.
The storm causes thunder and lightning, drowning out his loud cries.

Rukia and Renji land next to Ichigo.
"The hollows have been dealt with." Renji informs and looks at his friend.
"Wait...is that (Y/n)?" Rukia asks and kneels next to the substitute soul reaper.
"All my power... and I couldn't even protect her. I wasn't fast enough! I couldn't..." He trails off and looks at his friends.
"I'm sorry." Renji mumbles and rubs the back of his neck.
"If you want I can help with the funeral plans." The woman offers.

Ichigo stands, holding (Y/n) but remains silent. He walks away to inform her family.
The two soul reapers look at each other.
"I'll go tell Orihime. You wanna go tell Uryu and Chad?"
The redhead nods and immediately leaves.
Rukia sighs but does the same.
Ichigo bows to (Y/n)'s family then goes back home.
His family knew something was off right away.
"Is (Y/n) coming for dinner?" His youngest sister asks.
"(Y/n) just died." Ichigo responds quietly and walks to his room.
He stands there, dripping still before he goes to the bathroom and cleans up.
Eventually he makes it to bed and just lays there, unable to sleep.

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