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Alciel groans as he cleans up the apartment once again.
"Can we have ramen tonight?" Lucifer asks, not looking away from his video game.
This is the last straw.
The white haired man is pulling hairs out and he feared he would have an ulcer soon.
"That's it! I'm done! I can't take it anymore. Your highness, I'm so sorry."
"You're so dramatic." Lucifer mumbles and pauses his game. "Why don't you take a break?"
"Maybe I could if you weren't such a slob and a moocher."

Before anything else can be said there's a knock at the door.
"Is that more packages, Lucifer?" Al asks, walking to the door.
"It's something better." The said boy responds and stands up.
Alciel opens the door and he sees a man standing there. "Why is there an attractive man at our door?"
(Y/n) smiles softly. "I'm here for the job opening."
"What job opening?"
"Come on in (Y/n). That's him if you couldn't tell." Lucifer waves the man in, pointing to his roommate.
"Excuse me. I asked you a question, Lucifer."
"I put up an ad for someone to take over for you so you could take a break from housework."

"I'm happy to help. You look really stressed out. I can give you a coupon for a massage."
"You use coupons too?" Al asks quickly.
"Of course. Saving yen is important." He pulls out a coupon from his wallet and hands it to the tall man.
"Wait so he's here to take over house chores?"
"Yeah. I figured you could maybe pick up more hours at your job or take the time to relax or do more research for Maou."
"How will Maou feel about this?"
"I already talked to him and he said it was a great idea. He thinks you need a break too. And since it's coming out of my check he agreed even more."

Alciel looks at (Y/n) then sighs. "Fine. Have you done work like this before?"
"I used to do the housework for my mother before she passed. Now I live on my own."
"I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences."
"It's ok. Lu has already informed me of what needs to be done and how you usually do things. By the time you get home a nice hot meal will be waiting."
"That sounds wonderful. Thank you. Moocher behave while I'm away."
(Y/n) laughs softly while Lucifer rolls his eyes.
"If anything happens or you have any questions just give me a call." Al hands the (h/c) a piece of paper with his number.

When everyone is home (Y/n) finishes handing out their meal and bites his lip.
"I hope it's ok." He mumbles and everyone starts eating.
Al takes a bite and smiles instantly. "This is wonderful."
(Y/n) smiles happily. "Really? Oh I'm so glad. My mom used to make this so I thought I'd try it out for you all."
Maou eats and smiles. "This is good. I hope you didn't have too much trouble taking care of the apartment."
"I hope Lucifer didn't give you too much trouble." Al adds and glares at the boy.
"I didn't do anything wrong." Lu mumbles and eats.
(Y/n) laughs and shakes his head. "Don't worry, I made him help."
"Seriously?" Maou and Al respond in unison.

"I wouldn't have much room to do anything if this place was a complete mess." Lu comments and crosses his arms.
"You're the reason it's always messy," Al exclaims.
"I beg to differ." The purple haired boy grumbles and looks away.
The new hire smiles as he watches the three others interact. "It's nice here. You all seem so close."
"Well we've known each other for a long time. They work for me so I feel responsible for them." Maou responds and smiles softly.
(Y/n) nods in understanding. "Will you need anything after I wash the dishes?"
"No, you may go home." Maou answers, then looks at Alciel. "You don't need him for anything do you?"
"No, but thank you again for that coupon. That massage did wonders for my body."
(Y/n) gives him a closed eye smile. "Glad to help."

As the weeks go by Alciel couldn't help feeling like (Y/n) was, as ironic as it sounds, a godsend.
He's so helpful and kind.
The two get along great and even hangout outside the apartment.
Without realizing it the demon began to have romantic feelings toward the human.
He asked Maou but he didn't give a good explanation.
Lucifer on the other hand knew exactly what was happening. "Dude you like (Y/n)."
"Of course I like him. He's a great-"
"No you idiot. I mean romantically. Like you wanna date him."
"Date him? Don't be ridiculous. He's a human and I'm a demon. And he is a man. I could never develop such feelings."
"I think Lucifer is right." Maou comments and crosses his arms.

Al looks at the small table and frowns. "Romantic...feelings...surely not. Are you positive?"
"I know more about human stuff than you, Alciel. Obviously I would know if you and (Y/n) were totally crushing on each other."
"Wait, he feels the same?" The general inquires quickly.
"It's really obvious. Unfortunately both you and Maou are oblivious to human feelings." Lucifer sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose."
"So what am I supposed to do?"
"Take him on a date and see how it goes. If you both have a good time you can go on more."
"That makes sense. Where should we go on this date? Surely it should be somewhere cheap but nice and somewhere we both want to go." Al starts ranting and paces the room.
"Obviously you should ask him when you see him next." Lu grumbles and goes back to his video game.

When (Y/n) comes over he is greeted by the white haired man.
"Oh you're here. I thought you'd be at work by now."
"I had off today. But I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"
(Y/n) blushes deeply but smiles. "I would love to. Do you have anything specific in mind?"
"I thought we could decide together." Al informs and smiles.
"That works. We can start walking around and try to figure something out along the way. I think going cheap would be a safe option but something we'll both enjoy."
"My thoughts exactly." Al holds (Y/n)'s hand then leaves the apartment.
Lucifer watches them and sighs. "Took them long enough." He grumbles and unpauses his game.

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