Tetsuya Kuroko

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"Tetsuya!" (Y/n) exclaims and pouts, puffing out her cheeks.
"I told you not to come to practice."
"Satsuki came and you didn't kick her out."
"Momoi isn't my girlfriend. I don't want others seeing you and start flirting or ogling you. I get jealous easily."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "You have nothing to be jealous about Tetsuya. I'm yours wholly. No one can take me away."
"You promise?"
"Well maybe Sei." The girl teases and the boy frowns, looking away.

"Kuroko, who are you talking to?" Kagami asks, walking over.
Kuroko turns around quickly. "No one. Let's get back to practice."
(Y/n) clenches her fists.
Of course because Taiga is taller than his partner he can see the (h/c).
"No one huh? Then who is the pretty girl behind you?"
"Pretty girl?" The rest of the team questions and jogs over.
Kuroko groans and clenches his fists. "I told you so." He grumbles to his girlfriend.

The (h/c) giggles and links her arm through her boyfriend's. "Hi everyone. I'm Tatsuya's girlfriend, (Y/n)."
All the guys frown and groan.
"Seriously Kuroko? Why do you get all the hot chicks?" Izuki complains.
"Wait, what about that Momoi girl?" Koganei inquires.
The blue haired boy glances at his girlfriend just in time to see her cross her arms.
She throws his words back at him. "See? I told you so."
The shadow sighs. "Momoi isn't my girlfriend, just a friend. Plus she was the manager at Teiko."
"Oh," the guys chorus.

"Why didn't you tell us about her Tetsu?" Kagami asks.
"Obviously because all of you are pigs." Rika responds and crosses her arms.
"How long have you been together?" Taiga asks and smiles softly at (Y/n).
"5 years next month."
"5 years?!" Everyone exclaims in unison.
"Yeah. Is there a problem with that?" Kuroko asks, looking at his teammates confused.
"No, of course not. That's awesome you two. We're happy for you, right guys?" Rika assures then smiles menacingly at her team.
"Oh... uh yeah." Hyuga responds, scratching his cheek.

(Y/n) smiles softly. "Now that we've finally met I can come to practice and games. I'm so excited."
"Isn't it weird that Momoi calls you Tetsu but your girlfriend calls you Tetsuya?" Izuki inquires but Kuroko shakes his head.
"I like when (Y/n) calls me by my whole name."
"Plus I'm the only one who gets to call him that." (Y/n) adds and hugs her boyfriend. She pulls away quickly though and frowns.
"What's wrong?" The shadow asks.
"I should get going Tetsuya. I've interrupted practice. I'll come by next time. I need to study for that quiz tomorrow."

Everyone watches (Y/n) kiss their teammate.
Although when she turns to the team again her aura has done a complete 180.
Her closed eye smile is menacing.
"Please don't tease Tetsuya when I leave. He's kept me a secret for a reason. I would hate to have him regret our meeting. And I know exactly where to strike where it hurts most. So do act normally from now on."
Her bubbly disposition comes back and she leaves.
The guys nod quickly, trying not to wet their shorts.
Kuroko smiles and he watches her leave.

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