Gildarts p1

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//Before I start this chapter I wanna say I don't care how you feel about Natsu's love life. Whether you like him with Lucy or Lisanna or whoever. I fucking hate Lucy and I liked Lisanna before she became useless and they did her dirty. The fandom definitely came at me for this chapter because of what I said and I didn't appreciate it. People are allowed opinions and different tastes. These are mine.

"Daddy I'm not a little girl. I should be able to go on a quest by myself." I cross my arms pouting.
"Honey why don't you let her go out this once? She's right. She's old enough."

The fire dragon I call father is also known as Natsu Dragneel.
The shapeshifter I call mother is known as Lisanna Strauss.
Now I know what you're thinking: How is that possible?
Natsu was supposed to end up with Lucy; well tuff luck bitches.
He loves Lisanna more.
Lucy is just a dumb whore anyways.
Daddy deserves better... like my mommy.

Daddy sighs softly. "Take someone with you."
"But everyone is out on their own quests," I respond.
"I haven't left yet." A familiar deep voice comments from behind me.
I blush slightly and turn around.
There stands Gildarts.
"Perfect! Gildarts could you assist her on her first quest alone?" Daddy asks walking over to the man.
"What's the point of calling it my first quest alone if he's coming?" I exclaim.

I start walking off and I could hear them talking behind my back. I walk upstairs to the S-class level and lean against the railing.
"She's growing up Natsu. You need to let go sometime." Gildarts says wisely.
"She's my baby girl. If she ever got hurt, or worse, I could never forgive myself."
"She has fire dragon slayer and shapeshifting blood running through her veins. She'll be just fine."
"Not to mention she has mastered celestial magic," mommy comments.
"She's got a few keys doesn't she?" Gildarts asks.
"She's got a lot actually. Lucy gave hers to her just before she died." Daddy responds.

"See? She'll be perfectly ok on her own. Let her go on this one quest. It's quick and easy. She'll be back before you know it. There isn't a huge life risk." Gildarts gives daddy a flyer and he sighs.
"I want you to follow her. She can do it on her own but I want you to follow her. Just in case things go south. Don't let her know though. I want her to believe she's doing it on her own. Maybe if she thinks she's doing it alone and something happens she'll never wanna leave again." He made it sound like he was joking, but deep down he meant it. He wants me to stay here so he can guarantee my safety.
I sigh softly. I look down at a flyer and sneak out. I will do this on my own.
Whether they like it or not.

I walk down the path to the location on the flyer.
Once I arrive I knock on the door.
The door opens to reveal an elder man. "Hello miss. What can I do for you?"
"I'm here about the request you put on the Fairy Tail board. I'm here to help. What do you need help with?"
He smiles and moves to the side. "Come in."
I walk in and he closes the door.
"I was hoping to hire a maid. They could come live with me. They would get paid 100 jewel a day."
My eyes widen. "100 a day?"
He smiles and nods. "I'm very lonely and old. It's hard for me to do these things on my own now. A young lady such as yourself would be perfect. Are you willing to take the job? You're welcome to stay here. I have a uniform ready as well."

My eyes widen again and I nod quickly. "Of course I'll gladly take the job."
"Thank heavens. I'll show you to your room." He walks upstairs.
I follow quietly and look around at everything.
He stops and opens the last door on the right. "Here we are."
We walk in.
A uniform lays on the bed.
It's a plain room but beautiful. Better than the one at home.
"I'll wait downstairs. You may change and come down when you're ready. You may also want to put your hair up. There are things you can use in the vanity." He points then leaves.
The door clicks closed.
I walk over and change. Then I put my hair up into pigtails. I look into the body length mirror and smile.
And daddy thought I couldn't handle this?
I'm a maid for god's sake. I'll be fine.

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