Yuri Ayato

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Being best friends with a guy whose screws are loose is both exciting and exhausting.
It's harder when you're kinda into him.
It took me a bit to master "Yuri language" but I think I've got it memorized by now.
Plus if he wants something he's prone to just grabbing or pointing.
Oh and not to mention the "photography" club.
Yuri asked if I wanted to join but I refused, knowing exactly what it was beforehand.
Sex with fellow students or teachers? No thanks.
The only one I want is Yuri.
He's probably a great time.
I haven't decided if I'm a top or bottom but knowing Yuri it doesn't matter.
Unfortunately I know if I asked, Yuri would gladly have sex with me.

So today, like everyday, I try to go about a normal day. Occasionally I'll see Yuri in class but mostly it's around school with some rando getting it on.
He's not very shy about where or when or with who.
Of course if it's a teacher they're usually in an empty, dark classroom.
Seeing him with someone else makes me suppress my feelings more.
Sometimes I wonder if Yuri has feelings of love toward people.
Like could he actually love someone, or will it forever just be sex?
Are the love marbles missing from his brain?

At the end of the day and the sun was setting nicely, I went to the roof.
My usual spot after school since I never want to go home.
I lay down and close my eyes.
My backpack is a comfortable enough pillow.
Thankfully there isn't a breeze so it's not too cold.
When the door opens I ignore it, not really caring who it is.
Although the familiar voice makes me look.

Yuri walks over and squats next to me. "Woof woof."
"I don't wanna go home." I mumble as he pokes my cheek.
He frowns and starts his usual nonsense.
I sigh and look at him.
To my surprise he takes off his glasses and straddles my waist.
My expression was probably a mix of shock and sadness.
"Yuri, it doesn't mean anything if you don't love me back. I don't wanna be vibrator #24."
Of course my brain didn't comprehend the confessions my lips let slip out. But then again his nexts words made it not matter.
"Love you." He whispers in my ear.
My eyes widen and look into his.

He smiles and grinds against me.
I moan softly and immediately grab his hips.
Yuri unbuttons his shirt then takes off his pants.
My eyes move down his body and my blush deepens.
My cock got hard without my permission.
My best friend didn't waste any time using his tongue once he freed my boner.
Moans get stuck in my throat but I quickly put my arm over my mouth.
Of course he's an expert at blowjobs.
I lost it faster than I'd like to admit.
(Of course being a virgin doesn't help)

Yuri pulls away and shows me his white mouth.
I blush more and look away.
He swallows before attacking my nipples.
Apparently the breeze has a sense of humor because it decided to pick up and help Yuri.
With now sensitive, hard nipples I was moaning more and it was getting harder to hold back.
Yuri smiles and watches my face. He pulls away suddenly then positions himself above me.
"Am I-I going inside?" I manage and he smirks.

That was all the answer I was getting, beside him impaling himself fully.
I gasp and grip his hips tightly, my nails dig into his skin.
He didn't even wait before he started bouncing up and down.
His name plays on repeat because my brain couldn't think of anything else.
My panting gets heavy as my hips roll and thrust.
He grabs my knees and starts moving harder and faster.
If it wasn't so clique I would say he's super tight.
And considering how much he messes around it's a wonder he's not as loose as the town gossip's lips.

Yuri bends forward and kisses me, in which I kiss back immediately.
I cup his face then my hands travel up into his hair.
It's really soft.
He rubs his hands up my chest and over my shoulders.
My brain is on autopilot and my eyes roll back.
As waves of pleasure wash over me I grip his hips again.
As soon as Yuri starts stroking my cock in sync with his bouncing I released.
I couldn't even hold it back; it was so sudden.

Yuri thrusts a few more times before he cums as well.
His moans mix with mine as he slows down.
I pant heavily and look at his face.
He puts his glasses back on then cleans up.
I watch as my breathing goes back to normal.
"Home;" he cheers. "Fun time, home, (Y/n)." He manages and pulls me to my feet.
A small smile replaces my frown.
"We can go home, I guess."
Without fail he starts speaking gibberish again.

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