Kenpachi Zaraki

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"Kenny!" (Y/n) cheers and jumps on her friend's back.
Yachiru giggles from the opposite shoulder. "Hi (n/n)."
The said giant groans. "Get off me. You're too damn heavy."
The woman frowns and slowly gets off. "Sorry," she mumbles.
"What do you want?"
"I wanna fight you!" She exclaims and pulls out her zanpakuto.
He smirks and does the same. "Oh yeah? Aren't you sick of getting beat?"
"I won't lose this time."
"That's what you said last time." Kenpachi informs and Yachiru giggles.
"And the time before that." The pink haired girl looks at the (h/c).

(Y/n) holds up her sword and smirks. "Come at me!" She yells but makes the first move by slashing at him.
If his reflexes hadn't kicked in he would've been cut.
The raven haired man smirks and looks at his lieutenant. "Why don't you hang back."
The shorty giggles and nods. "Ok!"
(Y/n) watches her then looks at her sparring partner.
After a while (Y/n) finally gives up and collapses, completely out of breath.
Kenpachi rolls his eyes. "If you were lighter on your feet you wouldn't have an issue."
The woman tenses and looks away. She stands up, puts her sword away then bows.
Kenny watches her walk away, slightly confused.

As the weeks go by (Y/n) began to lose weight but in the worst ways.
She was down 50 pounds in a month and it showed.
It made training harder but she kept pushing herself.
If Kenny thought she was fat she needed to lose weight and get stronger.
Except when the captain noticed her training by herself he immediately noticed her decline.

"What the hell did you do?" Kenpachi asks from behind the woman.
She jumps at the sudden booming voice. "Captain! What are you doing here?"
"You look like crap, your movements are slow and the spark in your eyes is gone."
"You informed me of my weight being unacceptable so I fixed it. I am now-"
"Who the hell cares about your body? You were fine the way you were. You didn't lose to me because of your weight. You needed to work on your skill. To work around your body, not destroy it."

Tears stream down the woman's cheeks but she quickly tries wiping them away.
"I'm sorry I disappointed you, Captain Zaraki."
"Dammit don't cry." He mumbles awkwardly.
(Y/n) sniffles and nods.
"Now go eat something." Kenny orders and points. "And you're banned from training until you get back to a healthy weight."
The woman looks at the man quickly. "You can't-"
"I can and I just did. You looked good before and now you've ruined it. So now you have to fix it."
Yachiru smiles from his shoulder. "Yeah (n/n). Don't let a man tell you how to look."

Slowly but surely (Y/n) get to a healthy weight and a body image she can be confident in.
Kenny walks past her room and looks in.
The woman is standing in front of a full body mirror in a skin tight dress. "I'm ok. I look ok. Will he think I'm ok? Will he yell at me again?"
Finally the captain knocks and walks in. "What's the special occasion? Usually you wear your shihakusho."
(Y/n) looks at the man through the mirror. "Do I look ok?" She asks instead.
He looks her up and down. "You look good. I don't care for the pattern but it suits you."

She blushes and looks away. "Thanks."
"I think you look really pretty." Yachiru comments, straddling the man's head.
"Thank you." (Y/n) mumbles and blushes.
"Don't you think so Kenny? Doesn't (n/n) look pretty?"
Kenpachi looks the woman up and down again. "I guess so. It's better than seeing the same shihakusho over and over."
(Y/n) blushes more and looks away again. "Thank you."
"Well... since you did as I instructed, you can go back to training." Kenny crosses his arms.
"Really? Thank you."
"Just make sure this doesn't happen again."
(Y/n) nods and smiles.

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