Kenpachi Zaraki

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(Y/n) smiles softly and grabs another bell.
Kenny looks at the woman in the mirror. "You almost done?"
She giggles softly and nods. "Yes. When I'm done I want a piggyback ride."
Yachiru pouts and puffs out her cheeks. She crosses her arms but jumps into Kenny's lap.
The captain looks at his lieutenant.
"That's my job." The girl mumbles and glares at the woman through the mirror.
(Y/n) looks at the pink haired girl and smiles at her obvious jealousy.
Of course Kenpachi is oblivious.

(Y/n) puts her attention back on her boyfriend's hair. "Yes of course Yachi. But he is mine when we are home. Yours when you're out."
"What are you two ranting about?" The raven haired man mumbles.
"It's not important Kenny." Yachiru responds then gets off his lap.
(Y/n) kisses her boyfriend's cheek then pats his shoulders. "All done."
"Finally." He mumbles and stands up.
"It's faster than when you do it Kenny." The younger girl points out and climbs onto his shoulder.
(Y/n) sighs and crosses her arms.

Kenpachi turns to his girlfriend and smirks. "Thanks again."
She puts her hands on his chest then pulls him down for a short kiss.
"I'll be back for dinner. Maybe if I'm lucky Ichigo will come and give me a good fight."
(Y/n) laughs and nods. "Yes, that sounds fun."
"Come on Kenny. We gotta go." Yachiru grumbles and pats his head.
"Yeah whatever." He mumbles and walks toward the door.
The two females look at each other, one very jealous girl and the other laughs softly and shakes her head.

(Y/n) couldn't help thinking back to when her and Kenny first got together.
Yachiru made a point to tell her she was Kenny's favorite girl.
The (h/c) was ok with that.
Although she still finds it funny when the girl gets jealous over the little things she does.
"That's my job." Yachiru always says, arms crossed over her chest.
(Y/n) hopes eventually the girl will open up to her and get over her doing certain things.

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