Senku Ishigami? P2

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Senku knew all too well Tsukasa's motivations.
The need to protect his little sister and bring her back.
Senku had the luxury of knowing his sister was unpetrified but not of knowing if she was still alive.
It had only been a year so he didn't expect her back but now they were going on a long journey.
If she came back and he wasn't there she would panic.
But at least now he has people he can rely on.

"I guess I could leave her a message in the old treehouse." The boy mumbles and walks to the place he built when he woke up.
"Senku what are you doing?" Taiju inquires, following his friend.
"I'm leaving a note for (Y/n)."
"Wait I thought-"
"If she comes back and I'm not here she'll freak out."
"Maybe if we're lucky we'll find her on our way."
Senku sighs and finishes the note. "I don't think I'll be so lucky. Even Gen knows my luck streak sucks."
(Y/n) looks out over the water and cries softly upon seeing familiar land. "Senku I'm coming." She whispers then wipes her tears.
The ship is easy enough to pull onto the sand and secure.
(Y/n) pushes her now longer hair behind her ear and looks around.
The shell her brother gifted to her is in her hands before she gently sets it on the beach next to the ship.
"I wonder what I missed."

As she walks inland it doesn't take long to come across people.
They all stare at her as she walks past.
Finally Ruri walks over to her and smiles softly.
"Are you from the Tsukasa empire?"
(Y/n) looks at her confused. "The what?"
"I guess that's a no. Who are you?"
The (h/c) frowns and looks around. "Where is Senku?"
"He's been gone for a while now." The priestess replies sadly.
Tears stream down (Y/n)'s cheeks and she covers her mouth.

"But he promised me...he...Senku-"
"Oh no, he's not dead. He and some friends went on a journey to figure out what caused the petrifaction."
"He asked me to do that. Unfortunately I-"
"Wait a moment, who are you?" Ruri cuts off the girl.
"I'm Senku's little sister (Y/n)."
Everyone's eyes widen.
"His sister? He's never mentioned you. And neither did the 100 tales."
(Y/n) looks away and rubs her arms. "He told me it was best that I left for my safety and his and Taiju's. He told me to travel around the world to see who all got turned to stone."

"I'm sorry you've been alone all this time. And I can't tell you when they'll be back. But you're welcome to stay here with the Ishigami villagers."
"Wait Ishigami?"
"Yes. Senku's father Byakuya is one of the founders of my village. Because he was in space he wasn't petrified and therefore was able to repopulate the world."
"So some of you are his descendants."
"Yes that's correct."
"That means we're related by blood. That's weird."
"Senku said he was not blood related to Byakuya."
"He's not but I am."
The blonde nods in understanding.

(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "I would like to rest if that's alright."
"Oh of course. I can provide lodging-"
"That won't be necessary. I'll just stay in the house Senku, Taiju and I made."
"That's fine. Just come find me if you need anything. My name is Ruri by the way."
"Thanks Ruri." (Y/n) walks away to find the treehouse.
Thankfully it's in the same spot and untouched.
(Y/n) goes inside and smiles softly.
The note on the table catches her attention.
She picks it up and reads it quietly.

"Hey you've finally come back, and that means I'm not there. Sorry, but I didn't promise anything. I'm so glad you're safe and alive. I don't know when I'll be back so just wait a little longer for me. The people here are good so have fun with the science I've left you. I love you (Y/n). Senku"

Tears stream down her cheeks as she holds the note to her chest.
"Please come back to me alive." She whispers then sets the paper back on the table.
Although it's still light outside the curtains help to block most of the light.
(Y/n) lays down in the bed and instantly gets the hint of her brother's scent.
It's not much but it's enough of a comfort for her to pretend he's there.
Soon enough she falls asleep.

As time goes by (Y/n) stays at a distance from the others.
With the most frequent science users gone not many of those left knew how to upkeep everything let alone make something new.
But they did their best.
And those who were unpetrified helped as much as they could.
(Y/n) decided against getting too friendly. She knew nothing of these people and for all she knew they could hurt her if she let her guard down.
Of course this disregards Senku's assurance that they were good people.
Better safe than sorry.

Finally the day came.
(Y/n) is on the beach around sunset, walking through the waves as they crash on shore.
In the distance she sees a ship coming her way.
She knew it was their ship.
Her body tenses up and she can't breathe.
Not until she sees him.
When the familiar boy walks to the front of the ship he jumps off.
Immediately (Y/n) cries and runs into her brother's arms.
He hugs her tightly and for the first time ever, everyone sees Senku cry.

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