Heine Wittgenstein

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Heine Wittgenstein has been my best friend since childhood.
We grew up inseparable. We both had the same view on life: that it sucked.
He put himself in harms way for me, but I managed to do the same for him.
We cared for each other deeply. Neither of us realized it at first, that we were in love, but once we got older it became very clear.
Although it took a little convincing on my part because it seemed he was a little more dense than I.
He seemed a lot happier when we finally admitted that we were in love.
About 7 months later he proposed; we married a month later.
That was 20 years ago.
We're in our 40s now which seems so old but when you see how short we are you would never imagine.
Most of the time people mistake us for children.

Then a letter came.
I read it and saw it was from Viktor, Heine's old friend.
He's the king now. He wants Heine to be the royal tutor to his four sons.
I thought it would be nice, especially to see Viktor again after so many years.
When my husband returned home I gave him the letter. He was frowning the whole time. "I won't do it."
"Why not? I think it would be great."
"We can't risk my past being revealed. You know that. Plus I..."
"Darling this is from Viktor himself. He's king now and don't you remember what you promised? You would bow at his feet if he ever became king." I giggle softly and kiss him softly.
He pulls away, looking down and sets the letter on his desk.
"Darling..." I reach out and place my hand on his shoulder.
His hand slowly covers mine and he sighs softly. "I'll do it. But you can't come with. You must remain here. It's too dangerous and risky."
I laugh loudly.
"What do you find humorous?" He asks turning toward me with a complexed face.
"I am going with you. I am your wife; you cannot leave me alone. Who knows when you'll be back."
He shakes his head but as soon as I give him that look he stops and looks down. "Darling I-" he begins but I cut him off.
"I am going dear." I finalize and walk away. I go to our room and pack my bags.
After a while Heine comes in and packs. "The one agreement that must be upheld: if ever my past is revealed I will leave immediately without a word."
And that's exactly what he wrote the king as he accepted the position of the royal tutor.
We travel to the palace days later.

When we meet the princes I was happily entertained to say the least.
"WAIT!" Prince Licht says loudly.
"You're telling us you two are married?" Prince Leo questions.
"And you haven't had children yet?" Licht continues.
"We can't even call each other lover if you know what I mean." I add and all the prince's eyes widen.
"Do you mean...? Heine how could you not bed this beautiful women in the 20 years you've been married?" Licht finishes.
Heine pinches the bridge of his nose. "My princes if you please, stop discussing my personal life. I am here to help you become worthy successors for the crown. I am not here to discuss my wife or love life." My husband explains.
"Do you know how big he is down there?" Licht asks me and all the princes seemed interested.
I blush deeply but shake my head. "I've never seen his body. Not even shirtless. All couples consummate their marriage by making love that night, but we helped homeless children retrieve dinner," I explain.
Heine looks at me with wide eyes.
I knew he didn't want me to delve into his past but I couldn't help explaining to the princes.
The four boys look at their professor shocked.
"You two need to make love. You'll never know the true feeling of being one until you do." Licht says dreamily.
"Spoken like a true playboy." Prince Bruno speaks pushing up his glasses.
"I think it's fine." Prince Kai whispers but only I seem to hear it.

Over the next few days I noticed Heine acting strangely.
Finally I decide to say something.
"Darling what's bothering you?" I ask softly placing my hand on my husband's shoulder.
He continues to do work but places his left hand on mine. "Are you hurt that we didn't consummate our marriage? Are you hurt that I have not shown you my body? Am I not a good husband? Do you hate me for not being your lover?" He questions.
I was taken back by his sudden questions. For a few moments my mouth remained agape but no response exited.

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