Gildarts p2

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Gildarts has been asking everyone in the guild where his wife was but no one seemed to know, not even Mira. He was starting to get worried. He hasn't seen her in months, probably 6 or 7.
He expected her to have taken a job but Mira said the last request she took was completed two months after she left.
The man the woman helped came in and bragged about the whole thing.
Gildarts looked all over Fiore but couldn't find her. The only place he didn't look was Tenrou island.

"Why don't you check the island?" Natsu asks. "But after you fight me." The pink haired boy smirks and holds up his fists.
"Excuse me. I'm looking for sir Gildarts." A certain celestial spirit informs looking around the guild hall.
"I am he. You're my wife's spirit aren't you? Do you know where she is?" The ginger asks rushing over to the man.
"She is on Tenrou island. She has been speaking to master Mavis. I have been wanting to summon you sooner but my mistress begged me not to. I believe it has gone too far. She must return here at once."
"What's wrong?" Gildarts asks nervous.
"Her health has decreased."
"What's happened? Is she dying?"
"She's with child." The spirit informs and bows. "She found out while on her last request. She was nervous and scared so she sought out the first master of Fairy Tail for advice."
Gildarts quickly runs out of the guild and toward the docks. He boards the nearest ship and sails to the sacred island.

Once he arrives he runs as quickly as he can to the grave of the first master.
His eyes widen upon seeing his wife.
She lay on her side as if she were dead.
He rushes over and lays her on her back.
"Be careful." A soft voice instructs.
The man looks up to see the small blonde. He looks down at his wife and his eyes widen upon seeing how large her midsection has grown.
"She's having twins." Mavis informs smiling cutely. "I would love for her to stay but she needs to go back. Her health is in danger."
The ginger nods and quickly takes his wife home.
Upon returning home he takes her to the S-class floor and Mira looks her over.

A few days later the soon-to-be-mother recovered and seemed to be doing much better.
She began waking and thanking Mira for taking care of her.
Mira being the kind soul she is brushed it off modestly.
The woman turned to her husband and sighed softly. "Do you know?"
He nods. "Your spirit told me."
She sighs but nods. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. And I'm sorry I stayed away."
He holds her close. "I'm just glad that you're safe and home. I love you so much. And I will love our twins as well."
The woman smiles and curls into her husband.

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