Kenpachi Zaraki

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"You fight because it's fun. I fight because I need to get stronger, so I can protect those I love."
"You sound like Ichigo." Kenpachi mumbles and rests his hand on his sword.
Yachiru giggles from Kenny's shoulder. "Just like Ichigo."
"Exactly! I need to fight you. You're stronger than me and wiser."
"Are you gonna fight (Y/n), Kenny?"
The tall man looks down at the woman and sighs.
The determination in her eyes makes him smirk.
"I guess I could spare some time. You have a spark behind your eyes."
"I won't ever let that flame die. You taught me the value in it." (Y/n) responds then pulls out her zanpakuto.

"Who are you fighting for?" Kenny asks while they trade blows.
"Everyone I love and care about."
"List them in your mind." The raven haired man instructs.
First person that pops into mind, is him.
She couldn't admit it out loud, and she knew he would never feel the same, but she's fallen for the crazy captain.
His strength inspires her and pushes her to be better.
It also causes her to be reckless, similar to him.

(Y/n) has no regard for her well-being while training.
Yachiru notices (Y/n) will push past her limits trying to keep up with her mentor.
One day the pink haired girl confronted her friend.
"Yachi why aren't you with Kenny?" (Y/n) asks.
"Cause I wanna talk to you."
"Oh, ok."
"Why do you push yourself with Kenny?"
"So I can get stronger."
"Do you like Kenny?"
The woman blushes and laughs nervously. "What makes you ask that?"

The girl shrugs and looks away. "I don't know. It made sense to me."
(Y/n) sighs and fiddles with her sword hilt. "Of course I like him. He's my best friend. Why wouldn't I like him?"
"Do you only like him as a friend?" The pink haired girl asks.
The woman remains silent.
"Oh...I see. Are you gonna tell Kenny?"
"Nope. Because he doesn't feel the same so there's no point."
"Are you sure he doesn't feel the same?"

"Did you decide to skip training to have girl time?" Kenpachi asks, crossing his arms and looms over the two females.
(Y/n) turns around and blushes deeply. "Is it that time already? I'm sorry, Yachi distracted me."
"I was just asking (Y/n) about-"
(Y/n) quickly covers her friend's mouth with her hands. "Girl talk. Nothing you would care about Kenny."
"Whether or not I care about it I'm still mad at you for making me wait." The tall man grumbles.
Yachiru pulls away from the (h/c) sadly. She climbs up onto Kenpachi's shoulder.
"Did you distract her with girl talk?" The man asks.
The lieutenant looks between the two then nods. She realized (Y/n) wanted to keep this secret. "Yeah. Sorry Kenny."
"Whatever," he mumbles. "Let's hurry up and get to fighting. Ichigo is still gone so you're the next best thing."

Another reason to keep her feelings a secret.
He will only ever see her as a sparring partner, never a romantic partner.
Plus she couldn't really see him having romantic feelings toward anyone, especially her.
Kenny notices she was spacing out and growls. "Pay attention girl!" He yells and slashes her chest.
(Y/n) gasps and cries out in pain.
"Did you ask me to fight just so you could start daydreaming?"
"Of course not!" She yells and holds her top closed.
"Then tell me, why are you spacing out?"
"Because she's probably thinking about you." Yachiru answers then covers her mouth. "Oopsies."
(Y/n) eyes widen. "Yachi!"
"What do you mean? Of course she's thinking about me. I'm her enemy."

Both females facepalm.
"Kenny you're so dense." The pink haired girl mumbles and pats his head.
"Forget it. I'm done for today. This cut really hurts." The (h/c) whispers and walks away.
Kenpachi looks at the woman confused as she walks away. "What the hell was that?" He mumbles to himself.

At the end of the week Ukitake walks over to Kenpachi.
"What brings you here?" The raven haired man asks with a bored tone.
"I'm here to ask what you've done to (Y/n)."
"Me? All I did was give her a little scratch. Is she not healed yet or something? She wouldn't be complaining about the pain still."
"Her chest has healed just fine with help from squad 4. But I'm not talking about her physical condition. She's been distant, she's been late to everything and she has no fun during training anymore. This started when you two began doing extra lessons."

"I have no idea what's wrong with her. She hasn't asked to fight at all this week."
"It's because Kenny is too dense." The small girl comments from Kenpachi's shoulder.
"What do you mean Yachiru?" Ukitake inquires.
"He doesn't see how she feels." She responds then puts her finger over her lips.
"What are you talking about?" Kenny asks, confused.
"Oh. I didn't realize." The white haired man sighs but nods. "I understand now. The poor girl."
"Can I get back to what I was doing?" The 11 captain mumbles.
"I guess so. I should go talk to (Y/n)."

The 13 captain walks around until he finds the woman, aimlessly sweeping his office.
(Y/n)'s hands move slowly back and forth, obviously not actually doing any cleaning.
"Why are you in my office moving dust back and forth?" The man asks, putting a hand on the small of her back.
She jumps slightly but relaxes. "Oh I'm sorry Jushiro."
"I've noticed your recent behavior and I understand now."
"What do you understand?"
"You've been out of sorts because you have feelings for Kenpachi."
Her eyes widen.

He rubs her back gently as she buries her face in his chest.
"He enjoys fighting. I think it can be fun but I get stronger to protect those I care about. He could never see me as anything more than a sparring partner. I'm not a challenge so he probably finds me boring."
"I think you're a wonderful girl and any man would be lucky to have you. You are strong and beautiful."
"But he doesn't care about beauty or brains. Just how strong his opponent is. And seeing as how I'm not as strong as him-"
"You are plenty strong. And I think if you explained your feelings for him you'd feel better."

A moment passes before she speaks up.
"You didn't say he would feel the same if I confessed."
"You're right. Because I cannot speak for him, nor do I know how he feels. I don't think it would be wise to date him but the heart wants what the heart wants. I don't think we can always choose who we fall in love with. Expressing yourself will surely make you feel better though."
(Y/n) sighs but nods. "I guess you're right. You're the best Jushiro." She kisses his cheek then leaves the office.

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