Yumichika Ayasegawa

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(Y/n) looks in the mirror and sighs softly.
"That was a pretty big sigh."
(Y/n) looks at their boyfriend in the mirror.
"What's wrong?" He asks, walking up behind them and rubbing their shoulders.
"Do you think I'm ugly Yumichika?"
"You are the prettiest person I know, besides myself of course. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know."
"I do hope you don't think I'm trying to label you. I use pretty as a gender neutral term. Just like beautiful and handsome."
(Y/n) laughs and nods. "I know Yumi. I know you wouldn't. It's just that... being non-binary is hard. Especially living with people who are older and from generations where this wasn't a thing."
"I understand. People still talk behind my back about me calling myself beautiful. I think it's because they're jealous and ugly."
This causes the other to laugh.

Yumichika turns his partner around and kisses their head. "You are beautiful and handsome and whatever else you wish to be called. Otherwise why else would I have agreed to date you?"
(Y/n) pouts and pokes his cheek. "Ya know sometimes I wonder if you're just prideful and vain."
"I know my worth. There's a difference. You should learn yours."
"What do you think I'm worth?"
"Everything to me." He responds then smiles softly.
"Wow... Did you learn that cheesy line from the world of the living?"
"I did. I overheard that woman say it to Ikkaku while we were staying there."
(Y/n) nods in understanding.

"Come now my beautiful partner. Training started 20 minutes ago."
"That's right. Sorry."
"You're lucky the captain sent me or else I fear Ikkaku would've tried messing up your perfect face."
"He can try, but just for you I won't let anything harm it."
"Good. Otherwise I might have to break up with you."
(Y/n) shoves their partner then looks away.
"Does the captain still respect me?"
"All captain Zaraki cares about is strength. He doesn't care about what you identify as. I'm pretty sure you could identify as an alien and he wouldn't care."
"Fight me, alien." (Y/n) does their best impression of their captain.

"I see you have time to fool around but not to train?" The tall man towers over the two.
"Ah captain. We were just on our way to the training grounds. Please forgive us." Yumichika quickly takes a step back.
"I'm sorry captain. This was my fault. I was having some self doubts."
"About what?"
"Whether I should conform to a specific gender or-"
"Rubbish! Stay exactly the way you are dammit. You don't need to change for anything or anyone."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away.
"I don't care, nobody cares and neither should you."
(Y/n) smiles and nods sternly. "Yes captain. Thank you."
"Now get to training before I kill you."

Once they get to the training ground Kenpachi calls a squad meeting.
Everyone lines up and stands straight.
"What will we be working on, captain?" Ikkaku asks right away.
The tall man looks around at everyone and they begin to get nervous.
"Are we in trouble?" A random soul asks.
Kenny points at him. "You!"
The man jumps and salutes the captain. "Yes sir?"
"What do you identify as?"
(Y/n) bites their lip.

"Um...a man?"
"Good! Now you?" Kenny points to another soul.
"I'm actually gender fluid sir." The person responds.
"Perfect! Now you?" He points to Ikkaku.
"I'm a man of course." The baldy responds.
Kenny keeps pointing and the squad answers.
Finally he gets to (Y/n).
"See kid? You're not the only one and no one here is gonna judge you. And if they do, they get to deal with me."
The evil smirk makes the squad tremble in fear.
Tears well in (Y/n)'s eyes but they don't fall.
"Thank you sir."
Yumichika kisses his partner's temple and holds their waist. "You are valid." He whispers in their ear.

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