Tadaomi Karasuma

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She's the best damn assassin I know. And yet she's the most honest, caring, and innocent girl I know.

Name: Montana Shiota
Age: 19
Looks: long blue hair, stunning brown eyes, and pale skin that shines like porcelain.
Likes: reading, writing, nighttime walks, and singing.
Dislikes: waking up, school, and her parents.

She left home at the age of 7 and began training as an assassin.
She's got the largest kill record I've ever seen and her skill set is the widest spread I've ever seen.
I met her when she was 10. I was impressed back then, but more so even now.
When I was assigned Koro sensei's case she popped in mind.
I figured she could kill him in the blink of an eye.
When I brought the case to her she refused as soon as I mentioned what class he requested to teach.
"That's my brother's class. He doesn't know I exist," she informed.
I refused to push her.
If need be I could bring her in later if the kids didn't get anywhere.

We've only got a few months until the end of the world.
The children have come a long way.
I'm really proud of them.

We were in the middle of class when the door opens slowly.
In walked the blue haired beauty.
Her brown gaze fixed on the ground.
I look over as shock takes over. I though she said she wouldn't come?
"Tadaomi I'm sorry for interrupting class." She apologizes softly. She looks up slowly.
"She looks just like Nagisa!" Everyone but Nagisa exclaims.
She looks over at the bluenette. "Hello little brother."
His eyes widen. "Who are you?"

"Montana what are you doing here?" I ask walking over.
"I don't know whether it was because I wanted to see Nagisa or kill Koro-Sensei."
"Wait you're an assassin?" The class choruses.
"This is Montana Shiota, age 19. She's the best damn assassin I've ever met. If anyone could kill the octopus it's her. If things weren't going anywhere with your attempts I was going to bring her in," I explain.
She looks at Nagisa and slowly walks over. "You've grown up so much. I'm so proud of you." She hugs him tightly, but his head moves and ends up in her cleavage. 
He blushes deeply trying to move his face back.

They hug until the door opens again.
In walks the yellow octopus.
"Who is this young lady?" He asks walking to the chalkboard.
"Montana Shiota." She introduces and giggle cutely.
He turns to her, face pink. It turns back to yellow moments later. "Shiota you say? Any relation to our Nagisa?"
"He's my baby brother," she responds. "I've come as a spectator."
The octopus looks at me.
I didn't really know what to say.
He turns back to the girl. "Welcome to class 3-E."

"Karasuma what is your relation to that Shiota girl?" Irina asks from her desk across from mine.
"I'm quite curious myself."  Koro-Sensei comments, crossing his tentacles.
I look at the pair with wide eyes. When they go back to normal I answer. "She's my best friend I guess. I've known her since she was 10. We know each other better than ourselves. I-" I cut myself off when I see the two teachers smirking and talking to themselves with their backs to me.
I sigh and go back to work. I look out the window to see the blue haired girl teaching the children.
She looks so beautiful when the sun hits her just right.
It makes her eyes sparkle.

Nagisa seemed to warm up to the idea of having an older sister. He's all smiles and cuddles now.
I smile softly and look at the computer.
Maybe she should come as a full time teacher. I know it's late but I'm sure it would help the kids.
They could learn a few things from her.
Both as an assassin and human being.
I walk outside and to the group; my two co-workers sit near Montana.
"Tadaomi do you think I could be their teacher full time? Unpaid of course." Montana asks smiling at me with her perfect teeth showing.
"That's why I came out here. I was going to ask if you wanted to." I smile slightly. "The kids seem to love you and it would be nice seeing you more often."
I look at all the kids but they seem to be staring at me with wide eyes and open mouths.
Even the octopus and Irina.
"What's wrong?" I ask confused.
"Is everyone ok? It looks like they've seen a ghost," Montana adds.
Everyone's attention turned to our guest. "They're both equally dense." Everyone says in unison.
"How about we leave it alone for now. We'll see how the next few weeks go." The octopus suggests.
I look at Montana and we shrug.

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