Romeo Holmes and Juliet Moriarty p1

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"We have lord Rockwell to blame for this as well." Albert mumbles looking out the window of the carriage.
"Just as you blamed him for the tea party?" William jokes and laughs softly.
"Exactly. We should never have agreed. We have perfect excuses for not doing this."
"Albert is right. He works for the army and William you are teaching. Not to mention the Moriarty plan is dangerous. It's not a proper environment."
"We've already accepted and the carriage has arrived." William is the first out, followed by his two brothers.

A woman at the gate smiles and curtsies. "Welcome Moriarty brothers. It's wonderful to see you."
"A pleasure ma'am," Albert greets.
"Are the children inside?" William asks and looks at the building.
"They are in the back playing." She responds and smiles.
The three men follow the brunette around back and see the children playing.
Louis and William immediately think back to their orphanage days and smile at each other.
Albert looks toward the older children. "Are there any literate children here?"
"A couple, yes. Most of these children have only recently arrived though. Those four there are the smartest." She points to them then looks at Albert.

William looks toward the building and through a window he sees another woman holding an infant.
The baby looks at him and immediately giggles then reaches out to him.
"Lord Moriarty?" The woman looks at the blonde.
"The infant inside?"
"Oh um... that's Juliet. She was left in the woods just over there." She points to the tree line and frowns. "The poor thing. Couldn't be more than a couple months old."
William leaves his brothers and goes inside.
"Please tell me he doesn't plan to adopt an infant." Louis whispers to Albert.
"Maybe not. Let's go talk to the other children while he goes inside." The oldest brother responds then walks toward the kids playing.

William smiles and walks over to the woman and baby.
"She's been all giggles since you arrived sir." The redhead greets and rocks the baby gently.
Juliet reaches out to the blonde.
William leans his walking stick against the wall and takes hold of the baby.
"You're the first she's taken a liking to." The red haired woman comments.
He looks from the woman to the infant. "I don't believe I've been around an infant for many, many years."
Louis is probably the only baby I've ever been around.
"Well I'm sure the three of you could have lots of fun with her. If you so desire to adopt her. Unless you'd rather have an older, smarter child. I believe-"
"No, I um... Juliet is the one I wish to have."

As Albert and Louis walk back, William walks over, still holding the baby.
"Brother," Louis mumbles.
"William you don't-"
"I do." William cuts off Albert. "I've decided Juliet will be the newest member of our family."
"I don't think that's a good idea." Louis looks from his brother to the girl.
Juliet looks at Louis and giggles.
Louis blushes and looks away. "It would be better to get an older child." He mumbles then looks back at the baby.
"Come now Lou. She likes you." The older blonde smiles and rubs her cheek.
Albert sighs but smiles. "If this is what you want, William. I'll support your decision."

"Now we must go shopping for supplies." Albert adds, getting into the carriage.
"Would you send a telegram to Moran and Fred to meet us at the manor?" William asks Louis.
"Of course. Will they be helping in setting up a nursery?" Louis asks, looking at the baby.
"Yes! I can't wait to surprise them."
"You do know Moran will have plenty to say on the matter, don't you, Will?" The brunette inquires.
The said blonde sighs but nods. "Yes, I reckon he will."

After a while of collecting supplies and plenty of stopping and shocked responses from fellow nobles, they finally get home.
Albert and Louis grab as much as they can while William has his walking stick in one hand and Juliet in the other.
The three walk inside and see Moran and Fred walking into the foyer.
"Wait, what the hell is that?" Moran is the first to speak.
"It's a baby." Fred answers, stoic per usual.
"I can see it's a baby Fred. I mean what the hell is it doing here?"
"I would like you to refrain from using such language around my daughter, colonel." William finally speaks up and rocks the girl gently.

"Moran, please don't yell. You'll make her cry." Albert adds and sets his stuff down.
"And yes, she is my daughter. Lord Rockwell made it a point to suggest the Moriarty men adopt a child as the previous lord did for us during the last party we attended."
"And instead of declining, due to our dangerous lives, you agreed." Louis mumbles and also sets his stuff down.
"Brother, I ask you kindly to stop sulking. You will make a wonderful uncle and she likes you." William looks down at the baby and she gurgles.
Her fist seems to be quenching her appetite, for now.

"As head of the household I have given my permission and support to William in this endeavor. We will love and cherish this child."
"And as the Lord of Crime I have fully prepared myself to take on the role of father as well. This will not interfere with our plans. Nor do I hope you will let this distract you."
This was of course directed specifically at Sebastian.
"William, I fully disapprove. Surely you knew I would."
"I did, but this was my decision. I take full responsibility for my actions. Juliet Moriarty will grow into a beautiful and strong woman."
"Sherlock this was left on the doorstep for you." Miss Hudson lifts the basket and hands it to her tenet.
The said man looks at John then takes the basket.
"There's a note." John mumbles and takes it off the basket.
"His name is Romeo. I wish I did not have to leave him with you but I am sick and dying therefore cannot care for him. I know you will want to abandon him somewhere else but I beg of you, please keep him. My only wishes for him are to grow up strong and smart, but if he does not have your gift I hope you will have enough patience to not get frustrated over it. I love him and tell him his mother wished she could be there for him but unfortunately she cannot. Thank you Sherly. You'll always live in my heart."

Sherlock looks at his flatmate confused then lifts the blanket.
His eyes widen.
"A baby?!" All three exclaim.
The said baby remains asleep peacefully.
John looks at the detective quickly.
Miss Hudson looks between the two men and the infant.
"You have a son." John states then looks at the letter. "His name is Romeo. But the not stated. Who is the mother?"
Sherlock looks over the boy's face and frowns. "He looks just like her, dammit." He mumbles and pushes his hair back.
"Sherlock, who is the mother?" Miss Hudson repeats the question.
"That's not important anymore. What is important is finding the nearest orphanage."

"Sherlock you can't! The note clearly says, as her dying wish, that you take care of him." John quickly shoots down the idea.
"How am I supposed to do that? I don't have money or time. Miss Hudson please tell John I don't have time or money."
The said woman frowns and remains silent. She rubs the baby's cheek with the back of her finger.
"Ma'am please-"
"Sherlock, you have to keep him." She finally responds then looks up into his eyes.
His shocked expression moves between his two friends.

"Fantastic. We should probably go shopping then huh? We'll need a crib and clothes and food." John begins making a list.
"Sherlock I will help with finances and the babysitting but you have to keep him."
"I'm not fit to be a father. I can't even take care of myself. Plus this place isn't a good environment for-"
"Then you'll have to keep it clean and suitable." She cuts him off and crosses her arms.
The blue haired man sighs and looks at the baby. "I guess I'll just have to teach him everything I know."
"What will you do if he doesn't have your gift?" John inquires, curious.
"Nonsense. If I start teaching him now he'll surely be a better detective than me when he's my age."
"Whatever you say Sherlock."

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