William James Moriarty

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William is left handed but you are also left handed.
So if you two are busy with your left hands you've had to come up with a way of holding hands.
William suggested you sit across from him.
This was a pleasant solution in many regards.
You could look at each other, you could hold hands or play footsie under the table.
What you really enjoy is linking your pinkies.

If William is busy writing up plans or even reading a book, whether he is at a table or in his chair, you will sit either on the floor or in a chair.
You will close your eyes and link your pinky with his.
If you're at a table you will lay your head on your left arm and sometimes glance at his serious face.
He will smile softly and keep at whatever he's doing.
His pinky will rub yours and curl slightly.

"I'm almost finished here. We can do whatever you want when I'm done." He promises and you make eye contact.
"I just wanna stay like this a little longer." You whisper then close your eyes again.
It's relaxing and comforting.
William nods in understanding and stays quiet.
"I love you," you whisper.
"I love you too darling." He whispers back.
His hand moves across the table and his pinky finds yours.
You smile softly and happily wrap yours around his.
"Your hand is cold." You whisper softly.
He nods and keeps working. "And yours is warm. A perfect fit for mine."

This is also perfect for when you two make promises.
Moran, Bond and Louis think it's childish but Albert assures you that he thinks it's wonderful.
William makes promises but before he can finish speaking he links your pinkies.
You giggle softly but you know this means he's serious.
Which is another thing.
When William is stressed out he will sit opposite you and lay his head on your shoulder.
Most of the time he just holds your hand normally or plays with your hand gently.
These times are quiet and you never ask questions, you knew he would tell you eventually.

If you are eating dinner and sitting opposite William you will definitely rub his leg with your foot.
He will pause slightly but smile and close his eyes.
His foot will gently graze yours then slightly up your leg.
The first time you tried this you accidentally pulled back too hard and hit Albert's leg who is sitting next to you.
This made him curious and he investigated immediately. He came to the conclusion that you and his brother were flirting with your feet and he would leave you alone.
Louis, who sits next to William, is always confused but doesn't inquire about it.
You look at William and smile softly.
He will look back and wink.

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