Zeref Dragneel p1

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He's the first person I've come in contact with since my birth.
His black hair blows in the wind and his sad onyx eyes stare into mine.
We slowly move toward each other.
"Who are you?" We ask in unison.
We answer in unison as well.
"Zeref? As in the god of death?" I ask softly.
He nods in response. "You should leave now. I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't hurt me," I answer.

We talk under a willow tree for days. Neither of us ate or drank. We didn't move from our spots.
We learned everything about each other.
I manage to make him smile.
He got me to open up.
When we finally decide to sleep he holds me close.
I curl into his chest.
He likes holding something while he sleeps.
I allow him to hold me.

We close our eyes and fall asleep. We slept for two days straight. When we wake up Zeref watches me until I open my eyes.
"It's, nice, to have human contact." Zeref whispers moving hair out of my face.
I smile and nod. I move a piece of hair behind his ear.
He leans in slowly and I do the same.
Our lips meet and slowly conform together.
I place my hands on his neck and thumbs on his chin.
He puts his hands on my waist.
When we pull away for breath we stare into each other's eyes.
"You calm me. I have no urges with you. I don't think I'll kill you." He confesses and I smile.
I kiss his forehead. "I'm so happy."
"Can I make you happier?" He asks softly.
I nod smiling. "Of course."

"Strip for me," he whispers softly.
I blush lightly. I do as told though. I stand in front of him naked but I cover myself with my arms.
He strips and covers himself as well. He leans over and kisses me again.
I kiss back again.
He moves my hands to his hair.
I tangle my fingers in his hair.
He then thrusts inside me.
I cry out softly.
I never imagined love making to hurt so much.

He kisses my tears away and thrusts slowly.
I grip his shoulders tightly.
He massages my breasts and sucks on my neck. He finds my sweet spot and I moan softly. He leaves marks all over my body.
I bounce in his lap. I moan when he hits that special spot inside me.
He sucks on my breasts and intensifies my pleasure.
I moan and bury my face into his neck.
His thrusts get quicker and rougher.
I moan louder with each thrust.
Suddenly we both release. Our moans mingle along with our tongue. We lay on the ground panting and sweating.
When I regain my breath I look up at him.
He smiles down at me and kisses my forehead.
I giggle and close my eyes.
We both fall asleep.

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