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(Y/n) growls and clenches her fists. "Vanitas!" She yells and the name echoes in the snowy forest.
"Hey Vanitas, I just heard a woman yell your name," Noé mumbles.
A shiver runs down the raven haired man's spine. "Oh crap. I know that voice."
"You do? Who is it?"
The woman runs over and starts strangling the said man. "I hate you so much!" She yells while he chokes.
"Um, should I stop her?" Noé asks, nervously.
"You promised me." She growls then looks behind herself to see Noé.
Her demeanor does a complete 180.
"Oh hello Noé! It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so many things about you."
The said vampire looks at her outstretched hand, even more nervous now. "Um... hi."

"Noé this is (Y/n). The biggest pain in my ass."
The said woman glares at the raven haired man. "Excuse me?"
"What exactly is your relationship?" The white haired man asks.
"I'm his fiancée. Or at least I better be still."
"Fiancée?! But what about Jeanne?"
"Who is this Jeanna?" (Y/n) asks, menacing tone returning.
Vanitas blushes then looks away. "No one (Y/n) and you aren't my fiancée anymore. You haven't been for a while now."
Tears water the woman's eyes then she starts crying.

Noé starts panicking. "Don't cry mademoiselle."
"Stop your yapping. How did you find me anyway?"
"Dante told me."
"Damn baldy."
"I heard that ya shrimp. I'm not bald!" The man with orange hair yells.
"Whatever. Why are you all here?" Vanitas inquires and crosses his arms.
"Your fiancée asked us and I told her. Is it wrong for her to know?" Johann asks, walking over, pushing up his glasses.
"Yes!" The book wielder growls.

"Are you cheating on me now? I can't believe you. After giving you all my love and affection and time. You leave me for days or weeks at a time." The woman cries, falling to her knees in the snow.
"You are a terrible human." Dante comments and rubs (Y/n)'s back.
"Shut up baldy." Vanitas orders and clenches his fists.
Noé frowns and stands next to his friend. "Are you really engaged to this woman?"
After lots of mumbling Noé gets irritated.
"Yes or no Vanitas."
"Fine! Yes we are," he grumbles.
"Poor mademoiselle Jeanne." The vampire mumbles.

Vanitas rolls his eyes and looks at the (h/c). "What do you want (Y/n)?"
"I-I just wanted to have dinner. I found this nice c-café I thought you would enjoy too." (Y/n) sniffles and wipes her face.
"She really seems to love you, Vanitas. She's had you in mind this whole time." Noé comments and smiles softly.
The said man frowns and gently takes her hand.
She stands up and brushes the snow off her dress.
"Can Noé come to dinner with us?"
"Oh that's ok. I don't need to go. You two should have some time alone."
"Exactly. Noé can stay with Johann and I." Dante offers and pats the vampire on the back.

(Y/n) looks at her hand still in her fiancée's.
"Fine, we can. But you have to pay." He mumbles and looks away.
The woman smiles and nods. "Deal."
Noé watches Vanitas link (Y/n)'s arm through his and walk away.
(Y/n) lays her head on his shoulder.
Vanitas looks down at her and smiles slightly.
"Can you tell me what just happened?" Noé asks then looks at Dante.
"I'm assuming you want to know their story." The orange haired man mumbles.

"Are you sure you wanna know?" Johann asks, walking over.
"Of course. Vanitas is my friend. I didn't know he was engaged. And what about Jeanne?"
"Well let's see... Vanitas and (Y/n) have been engaged for many years. She was the girl Mikhail, his adoptive brother, and the vampire of the blue moon, his adoptive guardian, wanted him to be with."
"I thought he said something along the lines of never loving someone who loves him. Or that no one could ever love him." The white haired vampire comments.
"That's why he likes Jeanne. She hated him but now she's slowly developing feelings for him. He's scared of the commitment (Y/n) wants and the stability she offers."
"He really is weird." Noé mumbles and rubs the back of his neck.
"Yes he is. Anyways, let's get back to the hotel." Dante responds then leads the way back to town.

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