Byakuya and Kisuke

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"You can't keep me hidden away forever Kisu."
"It's not forever (Y/n). Just until I die."
"But that's like forever away."
"Don't be dramatic. I don't want any unwanted attention brought to the shop or to you. Those kids are headache enough."
"Kisuke you love those kids. And I wanna fight with them. It's not fair."
"What's not fair is you sneaking off to the soul society behind my back."
"Did Ururu tattle?"
"No I promise! Jinta did." The little girl cries and points to the redhead boy.
"You dummy! You weren't supposed to tell her that."

"Why have you been going?"
"Just because you're exiled doesn't mean I am. And I have friends there."
"Friends? Like who?"
"Ukitake, Byakuya, Kenny, Renji and Kyoraku."
"You've got in with the captains huh?"
"Yeah, they like me enough to put up with me I guess. Thankfully they don't think I should be punished with you."
"Well good for you. As long as you're safe. Wait, did you say Kuchiki?"
(Y/n) looks at her brother. "Yeah why?"
"You're telling me he and Renji put up with you? I'm calling bull. If he knows you're my little sister then he'll automatically dislike you."

The woman frowns and looks away. "We have a pleasent time when I visit. We have tea while he does paperwork."
"Then I want you to stay away from him. He's probably using you for something. He doesn't see you as a person."
"What are you talking about? I enjoy his company more than anything. Why would I stop? Sitting in silence and drinking tea is a highlight of my day."
"(Y/n) do you have feelings for Byakuya?" The shopkeeper asks in a low tone.
His hat casts a shadow over his eyes, making him look more intense.

(Y/n) thinks about her response then smiles. "I would say so. But I'm sure he's not looking for any relations. With Rukia around he probably thinks about Hisana a lot."
"It's been more than 50 years since she died. He's probably moved on."
"I guess so. If he asked me I would agree though. He would make a great husband."
"No he wouldn't. And I forbid that relationship."
"Why? What do you have against Kuya?"
"Stop giving people weird nicknames. They all suck."
"You're just salty because yours sounds like kiss."

Jinta crosses his arms. "Why would you wanna be in a relationship anyways? They seem like way too much of a hassle."
"I think it's nice." Ururu smiles sweetly.
"Shut up." Jinta stands up quickly and starts giving the poor girl double noogies.
"Ow ow Jinta stop." She whines softly.
"Jinta leave her alone." Urahara mumbles and crosses his arms.
(Y/n) smiles softly. "Being with someone you like is wonderful. You'll understand when you're older."
"(Y/n) I-"
"Speaking of which." She pulls out her pocket watch and checks the time. "I have an appointment in the soul society. I don't know when I'll be back so don't wait up."

(Y/n) leaves and makes her way to Byakuya's office.
He isn't in yet so she gets their drinks ready and gets comfortable.
Soon he enters his office and sighs. "You've returned yet again. Do you not find this routine mundane?"
"I enjoy the calm you provide. Silence and tea and a pleasant companionship."
The man sits but nods in agreement. "I guess you're right. You do not disturb me and I get more work done than I would with Renji or someone else."
The woman smiles and sips her tea. "I enjoy watching you work as well. I only wish I could help."
"Yes, well I don't think it wise. Seeing as how your brother was exiled."
"Framed." She cuts him off.
"Either way. He's never welcome back."

(Y/n) sighs but nods. "You're right. But I am not him."
"No you're not. I enjoy your company."
"You do? Does that mean you will not sigh next you see me?"
"I make no promises." He smiles slightly and looks at the woman.
(Y/n) smiles and sets her tea down. "Well since it is only you and I, could I help anyway?"
"You can sort, I suppose."
(Y/n) smiles and moves to the other side of his desk. "Fantastic." She looks at the stacks and figures out how he wants them sorted.
He watches her, wordless and smiles slightly once again. Byakuya goes back to signing papers and sipping his tea once in a while.

"And to think Kisu wanted me to stay away from here."
"The soul society? You are a soul and you belong here. Why would he punish you for his crimes?"
"Kuya we both know Aizen is to blame. Stop accusing my brother."
"Even if he didn't do it he's still shady."
The woman laughs softly. "I never thought I'd hear you say that word."
"Yes well, Renji says it a lot and he must have rubbed off on me."
"You've changed Kuya. I love it. You're more open yet still stern and serious."
He looks at her slowly. "Love?"

The woman pauses in her sorting then smiles softly. "Yeah. Is it wrong to say that?"
"No. It's just that-"
"You haven't thought about love since Hisana." She cuts him off and frowns.
She didn't look up but she knew he was looking at her.
"I suppose you're right. I haven't thought about anything like that since her passing."
"That's ok. I know my feelings are not yours but I don't want that to ruin the friendship we have."
There is a long silence but for the first time it's not comfortable.
It's painful and uncomfortable and she desperately wants it to end.

Thankfully she didn't have to.
"What if I considered our friendship a step away from courtship?"
It took a moment for the meaning of those words to sink in.
"Wait... you mean..."
"If I think about our relationship and the effects it has on my life, I may consider them to be romantic feelings."
"So next we meet I may be able to call you my partner?"
"Renji is my partner, you may be my sweetheart."
(Y/n) blushes but smiles happily. "Then I look forward to our next meeting."

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