Sebastian Michaelis

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Sebastian puts his hand on his wife's hip and smirks. "If you don't let me do my job I won't be worth my salt."
"Darling I think you more than make up for your salt. To be honest I think you're the saltiest man I know."
The demon laughs then fakes a scowl. "I'm not salty, you're salty."
"No, I'm sweet as hell."
The couple laughs and (Y/n) shakes her head.

"Are you two goofing off in here?" Grelle asks, walking in.
(Y/n) looks at the butler. "I don't know Grelle. Are you in love with my husband?"
The redhead blushes and looks away. "I am not. I admire him deeply as a butler and a man."
The demon looks between the two.
"Well I guess it's better to focus on making cake than finding Jack the Ripper."
"Is Ciel still trying to figure it out?" (Y/n) asks sadly.
"Yeah." Sebastian mumbles and looks back at the cake in front of him.

(Y/n) crosses her arms. "I'm not sassy... I'm cheeky."
"You're both," Ciel grumbles. "Sebastian, tell your wife to stop talking. And especially stop making jokes. This case is serious and women are dying."
Sebastian chuckles quietly. "I rather enjoy her jokes."
Ciel rolls his eyes. "Of course you would, damn demon."
"Young lord, here is your tea." Grelle calls, walking over with a tea cup.
The said item is shaking and spilling slightly.
"And here it comes." (Y/n) whispers to her husband.
The redhead accidentally trips and spills the tea completely.

Just as Grelle grabs his noose (Y/n) starts imitating him.
Sebastian laughs as he watches.
Ciel groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Grelle looks at the woman. "Are you mocking me, my lady?"
"Should I answer that honestly?" (Y/n) asks her husband.
"Don't answer that." He responds shortly.

"Sebastian." (Y/n) mumbles, walking up behind her husband and rubs his back.
He glances at her over his shoulder. "Hm?"
"You know what Grelle is don't you?"
"Of course I do. I'm surprised you figured it out."
"And you know who Jack the Ripper is."
"You know?"
She nods slowly. "Ciel will figure it out soon too."
"You're cunning doesn't always result in the answers we want huh?"
"Shut up." She whispers and looks away. "This is going to crush him."
"Humans are so fragile aren't they?"
"We are. Which is why I want you to be there for him after everything."

Sebastian groans inwardly as he looks at his wife.
She points to Ciel and crosses her arms.
The demon slowly puts his hand on his master's back.
"Ciel should I bring in the new mousse I made?" (Y/n) asks and smiles softly.
The boy looks at his friend then nods. "Yes please." He mumbles weakly. "And Sebastian take your hand off me."
Immediately he does as told.
Mostly thankful for the order rather than annoyed.
The (h/c) walks over with the dessert and sets it in front of the boy.
He takes a bite and smiles. "It's good."
"Good enough to forgive my jokes?"
"Nothing could be enough to forgive that." Ciel responds quickly.
Sebastian crosses his arms. "I love her jokes."
"That's because they're awful and you have no taste."

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