Moriarty the Patriot

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(Y/n) frowns and looks at her large baby bump. She looks out the window of the parlor and gets lost in thought.
I feel like I'm just getting in the way now. This baby is unexpected and now I feel like William doesn't want either of us. I ruined the plan and now I'm just a waste of space and money. I-
"Darling are you alright?" William calls from the doorway.
(Y/n) looks over at her husband as he walks to her side.
"Is the baby ok? Are you in pain? You really should be resting."
Tears stream down the woman's face as soon as his hands rest on her bump.

William looks at her face and his eyes widen. "Darling what's wrong?" He quickly wipes her cheeks.
"I've ruined the plan. How can you be worried about me or the baby? It wasn't supposed to exi-"
"Don't finish that sentence. This is our child and I would never wish for it to not exist. I love you and them. And don't worry about the plan. I've made arrangements around our circumstances."
(Y/n) buries her face in his chest and grips his robe tightly.
"You don't have to feel like a burden or anything darling, I promise. Plus everyone is excited for the baby."
The woman sniffles. "Really?"
"Of course. Louis is very excited to be an uncle."
The two manage a small laugh and he holds her close for the rest of the evening.


Louis smiles and puts his ear against (Y/n)'s large baby bump.
The woman plays with his blonde hair smiling, but it soon disappears.
The man looks up at his wife and also frowns. "What's wrong?"
(Y/n) looks away. "Does William hate me because I got pregnant? Does he disapprove of our relationship?"
"Of course not. William sees you as a sister now. He told me he is excited for the baby."
"Doesn't this interfere with the plan?" (Y/n) asks quickly.
Louis frowns and shakes his head. "Brother and I talked when we first found out. He said this was the best outcome. I have a family of my own now and I can move on when he's gone."

(Y/n) didn't want to think about her brother-in-law dying and leaving them but she knew.
He plans to die and leave Louis behind.
But now that she's there and they're expecting a baby, Louis will have someone else to live for, a new purpose in life.
This thought comforts the mother-to-be and her smile returns.
"Please don't ever feel like a burden or like you shouldn't be here. I need you and I'm more than excited for our baby."
The (h/c) smiles and hugs her husband.


Why did he marry me? Why did he sleep with me? Why is he excited for our child? I ruined everything. Albert James Moriarty I-
"(Y/n) my love you're expression is very concerning. What's on your mind?" Albert interrupts her thoughts. He rubs her arms then puts his hands on her bump.
"Why do you pretend to love me? I'm not part of the plan and this thing inside me is-"
"Our baby. Please don't call them a thing. And how could you think I'm pretending to love you? I would never fake feelings for someone. You have given me a purpose beyond the Moriarty plan. Something to cherish after my brother is gone."

(Y/n) buries her face in his chest and cries softly. "I just feel like a burden all the time. I'm so demanding and rude and needy. You don't deserve any of that."
"My love, you are pregnant. I knew exactly what to expect when you told me the happy news. Do you really not want this baby?"
"Of course I want it! I just feel like I'm in your way."
"My love please don't think that way. I love you more than anything and I wish for you to remain by my side until the day I die."
"I love you so much Al." (Y/n) whispers and hugs him tightly, maneuvering around her bump of course.


He isn't the fatherly type. He's still a child himself. Why did I allow myself to get pregnant? This is all my fault. I'm in the way of his cases and taking up wasted space in the flat.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Miss Hudson asks, rubbing her friend's back.
"Miss Hudson, how could I allow myself to get pregnant? He doesn't deserve this pressure or responsibility. He's not ready for a baby."
"(Y/n) do not justify his actions. It takes two to make a baby. He is just as guilty and responsible for this situation, if not more. He needs to grow up and start taking care of you. You should not feel like this. I'll scold him when he returns home."
"But he's still a child himself. How could I ask him to mature? It's not my place."
"He is your husband. It's your job to scold him and open his eyes to the situation."

"What are we talking about?" Sherlock inquires, walking over.
Miss Hudson glares at her tenant.
"I don't like that expression. What did I do or not do this time, Miss Hudson?"
The said woman looks at the mother-to-be. "Be strong and firm and honest." She smiles and leaves.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?"
"Do you think you've changed since I told you about the baby?"
"Why would I? Why would having a baby change anything?"
"You don't feel the need to be more responsible? Or maybe regret sleeping with me?"
"What?" Sherlock looks over his wife's face and he begins analyzing her.

"Why would you feel like a burden?" He asks, catching her off guard.
Her eyes glue to the ground.
"I am responsible for what happened but I could never regret it. I'm definitely not ready for a child but I would never wish for it to disappear. I don't want you to feel like you have to do this alone either."
"I don't want you to mature because of it or make you feel obligated to-"
"(Y/n) I love you and the baby. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. Please forgive me. But I want you to tell me everything ok? No matter how small."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I want to help you in any way I can.  I love you, and the baby."
(Y/n) smiles and cups his cheek gently.


Moran is not one to have children. He'll do everything in his power to avoid having one.
So when his girlfriend told him they were expecting he walked out and she didn't see him for a while.
This broke the woman's heart and she considered getting rid of the baby.
Of course she decided against it and wanted to go through with the pregnancy. She really wanted a child.
Moran couldn't calm his racing thoughts. He confided in William who chuckled quietly and shook his head.
"Moran, you can't run from this. You love this woman and now you must face the consequences of your actions."
"William, I ain't ready to have a kid. I don't even know how this happened."
"Well what did you do when she told you? You asked her what she wanted, yes?"
"I left."

William hides his anger and urge to slap his friend. "You left her at home to cry and think you hate her and want to get rid of the baby. She probably thinks this is her fault."
"But I-"
"No buts Moran. Go be honest with her. And if she comes to me and tells me you were being an arse I will personally see to it you-"
"Ok I get it! I'll go talk to her." Moran quickly interrupts his friend and stands up.
"Good. Now congratulations Moran on the new addition to the family."
"Yeah whatever." The raven haired man grumbles and leaves.


What have I done? We're not ready. He's not ready. Does he even want kids? We've never talked about them. This was our first time. We didn't expect...
"Zinnia, are you ok?" Fred inquires quietly.
(Y/n) looks at her boyfriend quickly. "Hm? Oh um..."
"Is the baby ok?" He puts his hands on her small bump.
"They're ok. I just um..." She trails off and looks away.
"Talk to me please." He requests and holds her hand.
"I just feel like I'm gonna get in your way and I'm putting pressure on you that you don't want. A baby is a lot of responsibility and I don't think we're ready."
"You shouldn't worry about that. It's not like we're doing this alone. I have the Moriarty group supporting me."
"So you don't regret having this baby?"
"Of course not. It's a little embarrassing but I'm here for you. I'm kinda excited to have a little you waddle around."
(Y/n) shakes her head quickly. "I want a little you running around."
Fred laughs softly and holds her close. "Either way, I'm happy."
"Me too," she whispers.

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