Asuma Mutsumi

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"Father please. If I do marry, I want her to be sweet, kind, and talented. Every girl you've brought has been mean, selfish, and can't do anything for themselves. If you'd let me, I could find a nice girl and I promise I'll marry her."
"Mutsumi, you are the youngest son. Your brother is already married and settled down. You must find a bride soon and have children. You must carry on the royal line." The king replies, rubbing his temple.
Mutsumi frowns. "But father, I really don't want to marry anyone yet. I want to focus on my studies. History is amazing and I want to know more."
"Mutsumi! I have let you study till your heart's content but now it's time to settle down and think about the kingdom. If anything were to happen to your brother you would take over."
"I gave you my conditions now if you'll excuse me." Mutsumi turns and leaves.

The young prince sneaks out of the castle. He takes a horse and rides into town, wearing a cape and commoner's clothing. He looks around at everyone and smiles.
The baker was outside with a tray of rolls.
The blacksmith was pounding away on the metal in his hand.
Children were running around, laughing happily.
Mutsumi smiles and walks around. He looks around at everyone, giving a soft smile.
The sun was high in the sky and shining perfectly.
He comes across a small building and reads the sign: Library.
His smile widens.
"Perfect," he whispers and walks in.

There was a librarian and a girl in the corner.
The girl was reading to a small group of children.
Mutsumi smiles and walks over silently. He listens to her read, leaning against a bookshelf.
The girl had such enthusiasm while she read the history book.
The prince was surprised because it was a book he hadn't read yet.
Once she was done reading she went to get another book but bumped into the solid chest of the prince.
"Oh! I'm so sorry sir." She bows, holding the book against her chest.
"Oh it's fine. I like that book. I haven't read it before."
"I like it too. I love history so these books are nice to pass the time."
Mutsumi smiles kindly. "I love history too! Would you like to show me the history section? Maybe there's more books I haven't read."
The girl smiles and nods. "Of course." She turns toward the children. "That's all for today. Come again tomorrow for more."
The children cheer and crowd her in a group hug.
The prince smiles and watches then the small beings scatter.

The young girl looks at the man before her.
"What's your name?" Mutsumi asks softly as she shows him the way.
"(Y/n), and you?" She responds and asks herself.
"Mutsumi," he replies smiling. "It's nice to meet you."
"You as well. You have the same name as the youngest prince."
"Well..." He debated on telling her or keeping his identity a secret.
The girl smiles and stops in the history section. "Here we are."
The prince's thoughts faded and went to the books in front of him. "So many," he whispers.
The girl giggles. "Yeah. It's really nice. I haven't been able to read them all yet though."

"Would you wanna read them to me? I'd like to spend some more time with you. And what better way than to read history books? Unless you're busy." Mutsumi blushes rubbing the back of his head.
The girl blushes as well but smiles anyway. "I'm not busy but I will have to go home before dark. My father needs me to work the night shift."
Mutsumi smiles and nods. "Of course. I'm glad to know you help your father. I know a lot of girls who don't care about anything but their father's money."
Y/n frowns. "That's horrible. I'm glad I don't know them. All the girls I know care about their fathers."
Mutsumi smiles and looks at the books. "Which ones haven't you read?"
Y/n looks through the books. She smiles and picks out three books who were about 300 pages each.
They move to a small table and she reads to him.
Mutsumi listens intently, smiling the whole time. He was learning so much.
The young girl smiles at the prince every once in a while. She was just as excited as him to learn more and more history.

They both spent hours reading.
He read her books she hadn't read yet and vice versa.
Suddenly Y/n looks out the window.
Her eyes widen and she stands quickly. "Oh my gosh! I have to go. Papa will be so angry."
Mutsumi frowns. "I'm so sorry I kept you so late. Please let me make it up to you."
Y/n looks at the prince quickly. "How could you make it up to me? Can you turn back time?"
Mutsumi smiles. "I can try."
The girl's frown turns into a smile. "A sense of humor huh?"
Mutsumi smiles and nods. "Of course. Let me walk you home."
Y/n bites her lip but nods. "O-Ok." She leads him toward her home.
He follows quietly.

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