Natsu Dragneel p2

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"Natsu I'm hungry."
"Natsu I'm hot."
"Natsu I'm cold."
"Natsu run me a bath please."
"Natsu do I look fat?"
"Natsu I hate you."

These are the repeated line my pregnancy has created.
With our son my pregnancy was hardly noticeable.
Maybe a craving here and a back ache there, but this baby is making me say the most horrible things.
Natsu became visually depressed and deep down I felt really bad.
I'd try to apologize but it was no use.
The damage was done and nothing was gonna swallow my words.
Most nights I sleep alone and cry.

Natsu sleeps in our son's room, either in the small bed or on the floor.
My guild mates refused to speak to me.
This whole experience made me feel alone and shitty.
I'm in pain and alone. I managed to push away everyone I love.
The only time anyone seemed to care was during the 7th month.

I had a false contraction and Gray rushed me to the nearest hospital.
I was told it was only a false contraction and I wouldn't give birth for a while.
Once Gray heard the news he left, left me at the hospital alone.
I begged to stay at the hospital so I wouldn't be so lonely but they said it wasn't allowed.
What hurt the most was that not only Natsu was ignoring but also our son.
He spent most of his time with his friends and slept at their houses.

Finally the day came where everything got better. Where I wasn't lonely anymore. The day I brought my daughter into the world.

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