Toru Kirishima

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(Y/n) cries softly and holds her arms, crossed, to protect her face.
"You've definitely got a pair if you're hurting pretty women." A voice calls from behind the man standing in front of her.
"Huh? And who the hell are you?"
"The name's Kirishima. But uh... you might know me as the demon of Sakuragi."
The man's eyes widen at the nickname then runs away as fast as he can.
The blue haired man sighs but nods. "Are you ok miss?"
"Kirishima, she's bleeding. We need to help her." A little girl pulls on the man's shirt gently then points at the woman.
"The demon of... Sakuragi. I've heard of you," (Y/n) mumbles.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Let's get you somewhere I can bandage you up ok?" He takes her hand gently and helps her up.

(Y/n) stumbles and holds her head.
"Wow there, careful." Kirishima puts his arm around her waist and helps her walk.
The little girl holds the woman's free hand gently.
"What's your name?" Toru asks, looking down at the (h/c).
"That's a pretty name. My name is Yaeka." The redhead smiles happily.
"That's a pretty name too." (Y/n) whispers then bites her lip.

Once they get back to the house Yaeka leads the way to the first aid kit.
She grabs it and hands it to Kirishima.
"I'm gonna do my best to bandage you up. Normally I don't even patch myself up."
"I can help!" Yaeka cheers.
(Y/n) sits cross-legged and closes her eyes.
Kirishima looks at her face while he cleans up the blood. He found himself spacing out for a bit.
The little lady pulls him out of it by pulling on his sleeve. "Kirishima should I put this bandage on?"
Toru looks at the floral band-aid and smiles. "Sure little lady. Right here." He points and Yaeka puts the band-aid on.

Once they finish, Kirishima stares again.
The six year old puffs out her cheeks and crosses her arms.
"Am I all finished?" (Y/n) asks and opens her eyes.
"Oh uh...yeah."
"Thank you sir. For this and saving me from him."
"Of course. Would you like me to walk you home? Or maybe you could call your boyfriend to come pick you up."
"Boyfriend?" She asks then laughs softly. "Sorry um... no. I don't have a boyfriend."
Yaeka stands up and pulls on (Y/n)'s hand. "Let's have some cake together."

"Little lady, I think she has important things to do."
"Oh. Ok. I hope we see you again." The little girl smiles and waves.
"I'll walk you home then." Kirishima stands and offers (Y/n) a hand.
She takes it and smiles. "Thank you. I really am sorry for the inconvenience."
"Nah it's fine. I'm used to ruffing a few men up."
(Y/n) laughs softly but nods. She grabs her purse and puts her shoes back on.
Kirishima puts one hand in his pocket and the other clenches. He can still feel her hand in his.
The (h/c) leads the way to her apartment then searches for her keys in her bag.

"You got it from here?"
"Yeah. Thank you again for all the help. I was thinking, maybe I could make some brownies for you and Yaeka. I could bring them to the house tomorrow."
"That sounds great. I'm sure she'll like that."
"One more thing before I go inside."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"You look really nice when you smile."  She kisses his cheek then goes inside.

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