Fuegoleon Vermillion

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Fuegoleon smiles and kisses his husband's cheeks. "Are you fairing well today?"
"Yes, more so now that you're back home."
"Yes well, your brother makes my job so much harder. Therefore I stay later. So if you wish to see me more I would suggest telling your brother to do his job better."
(Y/n) laughs softly and shakes his head. "Darling even if I wanted to he would never listen to me. He doesn't like me meddling with squad affairs, especially his. He is a captain after all. I'm sure you would not appreciate the demand either."
"Yes well...Nevermind. No more talk on the subject. I wish to enjoy our evening."

Before the couple can begin to enjoy themselves the butler walks in.
"My lords you have a visitor."
"Who is it?"
"Me." Nozel mumbles, walking into the room.
"I see all refinement goes out the window when we are alone." Fuegoleon grumbles and crosses his arms.
"Brother, what a pleasant surprise."
"Hello (Y/n)."
"What are you doing here?" The redhead asks as his butler leaves quickly.
"I've come to enjoy dinner with my brother. Unless the occasion slipped your memory (Y/n)."
"Ah yes, that is tonight."

(Y/n) puts his hand on his husband's shoulder. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. It's ok if Nozel joins us right?"
After a long pause and glaring contest between the captains he agrees.
"I still can't believe you fell for the hothead."
"And I can't believe he comes from the spoiled-"
(Y/n) puts his hand over his partner's mouth. "Can we have a nice dinner without my romantic partner being judged?"
Nozel opens his mouth.
"Or my sexual identity in general?"
Nozel closes his mouth.
"Are you still so close minded that you can't accept your brother because of who he loves?" Fuegoleon inquires and crosses his arms.
"Says you. Your sister is probably seeing a woman, meaning it runs in your family. But Silva is a proud, straight house. No one in our past has ever strayed from the straight path."

(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "Times are changing and more people like me are coming out and expressing themselves. I know family is the hardest to convince but if you four can't accept me then I will gladly seek refuge with my new family. The Vermillion's have fully taken me in as one of their own. I am very happy here."
Nozel frowns and walks over to his brother. "We aren't disowning you. We let you marry him didn't we?
"Let me?! I am an adult who can make his own decisions. I married Fuegoleon because I love him and he asked me. I never asked for your permission."

"As much as I wish to join in on this heated conversation I will instead extinguish it. Let's eat dinner and speak of pleasant topics."
(Y/n) frowns and walks to the dining room.
Nozel follows quietly, followed by the third man.
Fuegoleon pulls out his husband's chair then scoots it back in.
Nozel sits across from the couple and laces his fingers under his chin.
"How is everyone at home?" (Y/n) asks, then looks up at his brother.
"They are the same."

As the awkward dinner continues it finally ends after dessert and (Y/n) stares at his brother.
"Do you still love me?" The (h/c) asks, holding back his emotions and keeps a stoic expression.
Nozel tenses then frowns. He stares at his brother for a while before answering.
His eyes close, head tilts down then looks up into his eyes.
"We will always love you. And we fully accept and support you."
"Even if you don't like him?"
"Especially because we don't like him but he makes you happy. Your happiness is all that matters."
"I will continue to keep him safe and happy." Fuegoleon promises, wrapping his arm around his husband.
Nozel sighs but nods then leaves.

Fuegoleon sits on the edge of the bed he and (Y/n) share.
The said man walks in from the bathroom and over to the redhead. He cups his face then plays with his hair.
"I'm sorry about tonight." The captain mumbles and leans into his hands.
"Don't be. It was my fault. They're still getting used to my identity and sometimes it's hard. Especially for Nozel. But I appreciate what he said."
"I know how much you love your family but I also understand it can be difficult. So I will continue to be by your side and love you more than anything."
"Knowing they're trying is enough. Having him say it all out loud meant a lot."
"Let's get some sleep." Fuegoleon mumbles and lays back on the bed.
The two curl into each other and soon fall asleep.

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