Daiki Aomine

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"Why don't you take a lesson from your brother? Stay in the shadows. You'll never beat me."
"Again!" She yells. "I can do it."
Tears stream down her cheeks.
"I can beat you. Just once."
Daiki frowns but throws her the ball. "You won't (Y/n). I'm bigger and stronger than you."
"That just means I'm short and slippery. I know I can get a basket." (Y/n) bounces the ball then smirks, cleaning up her face.

She dribbles the ball in front of him then kisses him.
His eyes widen and his shock gives her enough of an opening to finally make a basket.
"Yeah!" She cheers.
Daiki growls and grabs her by the front of her shirt. "What the hell was that?"
(Y/n) smiles happily, putting her hands on his. "I finally won."
"So you just took my first kiss for a damn basket? You fucking bitch! I was gonna give it to-"
"Your girlfriend? Perfect! I'll gladly be your girlfriend. I hope Tetsuya won't mind."

The blue haired boy looks at the girl confused. "Wait, what?"
"I've had a crush on you for like forever Daiki. I got into basketball because of you not Tetsuya. Why do you think I'm always pushing myself? So I can be good enough for you."
A dark blush cover his face. "Dammit," he mumbles.
"So can I please be your girlfriend?"
After a bit the boy finally looks her up and down.
"Fine. But that wasn't a win. The only one who can beat me is-"
"Me," she finishes. (Y/n) smiles and crosses her arms.
Aomine growls and grabs the ball. "Let me prove you wrong."

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