Nozel Silva

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Nozel looks at (Y/n) from across the room.
The said man is laughing at something his brother said.
This makes the silver haired man smile inwardly and sip his wine.
(Y/n) looks up and smiles at his fiancée. He excuses himself and walks to the eldest Silva sibling.
Nozel wraps his arm around his partner and kisses his jaw. "You seem to be in good spirits."
"Yes, well this is our engagement party. Not to mention my brother hasn't tried to stop us."
"Fuegoleon may try but I will not allow him to stop us from getting married."
"Oh you are a big softie underneath it all." (Y/n) teases and pokes his cheek gently.

"Do that again and I will bite." He threatens then smirks.
"That sounds like a fun time." (Y/n) teases again.
"Am I interrupting?" Noelle asks, walking over slowly, with a glass of water.
"Of course not. Are you enjoying the party?" The (h/c) asks, smiling softly.
"Yes, it's a nice party. To be honest I still can't believe my brother is getting married, especially to another man."
"Is there anything wrong with me being a man?" (Y/n) asks.

The girl gets flustered and quickly shakes her head and free hand. "No! No, god of course not. I support you two fully. It's just unexpected is all."
"Well thank you for the support Noelle." Nozel comments quietly.
She smiles and looks down. "You're welcome brother. May I hug you?"
(Y/n) smiles and nudges his husband-to-be before he slowly hugs his sister.
"Thank you brother." Noelle bows then walks away.
Nozel glares at his fiancée.
"Don't give me that look. She's your sister, not the plague."

Fuegoleon taps his spoon on his glass to get everyone's attention.
Everyone looks at him, including the couple.
"I'd like to make a toast."
To which glasses were immediately grabbed and held up.
"I once thought my younger brother would bring home a nice girl from a noble family, but then he brought Nozel for dinner. I didn't approve at first, thinking it was strange the two men got along at all. But seeing how happy my brother was that night, I couldn't deny their love. So, to the pompous, mercury man who thinks he's good enough for my brother. And to my wonderful brother who deserves the world. May your life together be full of love and happiness."
Both fiancées roll their eyes but raise their glasses. "To us." They respond in unison.
Everyone takes a drink from their glass.

Come the wedding day Nozel and (Y/n) walk down the aisle together, arms linked.
Their friends and family are stood silent, watching them pass by.
The officiator stands between the two and tells everyone to sit and get comfortable.
As the ceremony goes on (Y/n) could see Leo's knee bouncing up and down.
Come the vows though neither (Y/n) nor Nozel could hold back their tears.
(Y/n) looks at Fuegoleon to see even he is misty eyed.
As soon as it's over Nozel grabs (Y/n)'s hips and kisses him to make it official.
The guests cheer as the married couple walks back down the aisle.
Nozel kisses his husband's cheek and squeezes his hand. "I love you." He whispers in his ear.
"I love you more." (Y/n) whispers back.

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