Senku Ishigami? P1

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"Senku I'm scared."
"There's nothing to be scared of. The darkness is just the absence of light. Nothing scary is gonna pop out at you, also because those things aren't real."
"Will you protect me if something scary happens?"
"Uh..." He trails off but smiles softly. "Yeah. I'll protect you. Just call my name and I'll be there."
"No you dummy. If you were on the other side of the world I couldn't hear you."
"How about this: if something scary happens, come find me and I'll protect you."
"What if I can't find you?"
"Then I'll find you."
"I love you Senku."
"I know."

As the green light flashes (Y/n)'s eyes widen.
"Senku!" She yells and just as she was about to run she turns to stone.
Senku looks down at the courtyard to see (Y/n) petrified.
His eyes widen and he takes a step back before turning to stone himself.
"Senku will save me. He promised he would. long until then?"

When Senku finally breaks out of the stone he frowns and quickly looks for his sister.
Upon finding her his frown deepens.
Her expression is pure terror.
"I swear I'll break you out. Your big bro keeps his promises. I'll protect you (Y/n)." He takes a deep breath and drags her to his cave.
Obviously it took a while because he has no upper body strength, or much strength besides his science smarts.
"Ok I need to bring her back first then I can bring Taiju back and I'm sure he'll want Yuzuriha. Plus they'll be useful in helping me make my miracle fluid." The boy mumbles to himself as he gathers supplies.

When he finally pours the mixture over his sister he gets really nervous when nothing happens.
"(Y/n) can you hear me? Please break out. I'm here to rescue you, remember?" He puts his hand on hers.
After a bit he sighs and looks away.
"Damn, I guess I have to-"
Before he can finish his sentence a gasp catches his attention.
(Y/n) breaks out of the stone and looks around.
Finally their eyes meet and she cries softly.
"I knew you'd save me."

Senku rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah. Sorry it took 3,700 years."
Her eyes widen.
"That long?" She mumbles then looks away.
"Yeah. But we don't have time to sulk. We need to revive Taiju."
"First I need something to wear." She grumbles and covers herself.
Senku immediately looks away and nods in agreement.
Obviously he didn't wanna see his younger sister naked.

So when she is finally covered she helps him make another dose of the revival fluid.
When Taiju is out it was an emotional reunion.
Unfortunately their happiness is short-lived.
Senku takes (Y/n) aside while Taiju works on something else.
The girl frowns and looks over her brother's face. "Sen what's wrong?"
"I know I promised I would always protect you, but I need to break that promise now. You're older now and I need you to do me a huge favor."
"I know I joked to dad that I could take care of myself but I didn't mean it."
"But you can. You are strong and smart."
"Senku, are you sending me away already?"
"(Y/n) listen to me ok? I need you to do something very important."

"You are an expert in travel. I need to know if the whole earth was petrified or if it was just Japan. Or maybe you can find the source of that light."
"Travel the world?"
"How will I travel the ocean? It's probably more dangerous than-"
"You will need to build a small boat, just something you can handle. Make sure to stock up on food and water."
"It will take years to travel the whole world."
"And it will take me years to unpetrify everyone. So when we meet next I won't be the only one."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "But dad won't be one of them."
"You're right. He's long gone."

Tears stream down her cheeks but she nods as she wipes her face.
"Ok. I'll do it. Can you at least promise to be here when I return?"
Senku laughs and shakes his head. "Of course not! I could get killed by a wild beast or fall and break my neck."
"So not only are you breaking your promise to protect me but you're putting your death out there into the universe."
"Don't get me wrong, I don't plan on dying any time soon. I have to bring back humanity. But I won't pretend things won't go sideways while you're gone. I'll do my best though."

(Y/n) sniffles and wipes her tears.
Taiju holds back his tears for all of three seconds before breaking and hugging her tightly. "(Y/n) please be careful. You're only 10 years old. This is gonna be so difficult. And I'm gonna miss you."
"I'll be ok, Taiju. Please protect Senku for me."
"I will (Y/n). Safe travels."
"Taiju you have to remember once she's gone she no longer exists. I don't have a sister. This is for her safety as well as ours." Senku mumbles quietly.
"Yes I understand." The brunette whispers back.

Senku walks to his sister and hands her a large shell.
"I'll listen to it every night." (Y/n) whispers, taking the conch.
"I know I don't normally do this but..." He trails off and hugs his sister. "Please come back safe." He whispers near her ear.
"I will, I promise. I love you Senku." She whispers, pulls away quickly and runs to her ship. (Y/n) pushes the boat out and jumps in.
Senku holds back tears as he watches the last of his family leave. "This will not be the last I see of you. I won't let it be." He mumbles and clenches his fists.
Both Taiju and Senku soon realize this was the best course of action when Tsukasa is revived.
And thankfully Taiju and Yuzuriha keep the secret.

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