Seijuro Akashi

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(Y/n) sighs and puts her hands on her hips. "Master Seijuro, how am I supposed to dress you if you keep running away?"
The boy laughs happily. "Come catch me (n/n)."
"Master Seijuro, if we are late your father will be very cross. Also your mother will be sad."
Immediately the boy runs over and gets dressed.
"I wanna see mother."
The (h/c) woman smiles.

"Hey (n/n) make me a promise."
"What kind of promise master?"
"Stay with me forever." He responds, still looking at his mother in her casket.
The woman wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind. "I will stay as long as I can." She promises.

"Master Seijuro... please eat your dinner."
"Did you make it?"
"No, the chef did."
"Then I don't want it."
"Seijuro Akashi if you do not go down and eat your dinner I wil-"
"You can't make me do anything! You're not my mother." He yells and turns to the maid quickly.
Her eyes widen slightly but she closes her mouth and frowns, curtsying.
"You're right, master Akashi. You're growing up and don't need me. I shall ask your father to reassign me somewhere else."
Akashi's heterochromatic eyes widen.
He runs over and hugs her from behind. "No! You promised." He yells into her shoulder blades.

It's at moments like this she can't help smiling softly.
When he reminds her he's still just a child.
Even if his father has pressured him to mature early.
He squeezes her waist tightly. "I'm sorry. Please don't leave me (n/n)."
The woman sighs dramatically and turns in his arms.
She hugs him gently and kisses his head. "Come eat dinner. Then after, we can make your bento together."
The pink haired boy smiles and nods. "Ok."

"Master Sei, you're all grown up. You've graduated and taken over the business. I couldn't be more proud of you." She pats his cheek gently.
"(Y/n) I need to ask you something very important."
His serious expression makes her smile.
"Is it another pinky promise?"
"When I turn 20 I'll be an adult."
"You will be. An adult running your own business. I'm so proud."
"I want you to be my wife (Y/n)."

The woman's eyes widen in shock. "M-master Akashi I-"
"I mean it. You have stayed by my side, never treating me like the next in line, or like a child. You're the only one who has loved me and called me out and treated me as an equal."
"At first you were the maid that took care of me, then the mother I lost but everything is different now. I love you. Everything about you. Even the things that get on my nerves are endearing."
"I-I don't know what to say. Aren't I just an old hag to you?"
"You are only 17 years my senior. I do not mind the age gap. You are everything I could want or need in a wife. I will provide for you and the family we'll have. You'll make a wonderful mother to our children just as you did for me."
(Y/n) blushes deeply.
"Please marry me (n/n)."
"Ask me again when you're an adult. I'll have an answer then. That is if you don't find someone else."
Akashi sighs but smiles. "You have two years. Until then I'll prove my love and win yours in return."
She smiles and kisses his cheek. "It's a deal master Sei."
The man shakes his head. "Just Sei from now on."
"As you wish, Sei."

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