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"The phantoms will consume her if we don't do something Yato!" Yukine yells at his master.
All Yato can do is watch in horror. He wanted to help but he couldn't move. He was gonna watch the girl he fell in love with get consumed by phantoms.
Yuki growls, pushing Yato.
He falls into the girl and they both go tumbling down the hill.
The girl screams and Yato holds her close to protect her.
Once they stop falling he's hovering over her.
She blushes deeply looking into his glowing blue eyes.
He caresses her cheek his with thumb.

"Yato we have to kill the phantoms quickly!" The blonde regalia yells from the top of the hill.
"Sekki!" Yato yells causing the girl to close her eyes quickly.
Yukine jumps off the hill and transforms into the two bladed blessed vessel.
The phantoms jump after the blonde.
Yato whispers the chant in which every god uses.
The young girl slowly opens her eyes and stares into the stray god's.
Just as the first phantom was about to land on them both Yato stabbed it and twists the blade.
The girl blushes once again.
The god doesn't lose eye contact as he stands and kills the rest of the phantoms.
The girl sits up and leans against the tree behind her.

Once the god finishes he walks over to the girl.
He kneels in front of her and cups her cheek with his hand. He slowly leans in and kisses her.
She quickly pulls away looking calm. "Who are you?"
"The god who's loved you since the moment he first saw you." Yato replied quietly, leaning in again.
"A god? God of what?" She asks just as quiet.
"I'll grant any wish any day and time, for only 5 yen."
"You're eyes tell a different story."
Yato sighs finally looking down. "I am Yato. A god of calamity." He introduces then looks into her eyes.
She bites her lip.
After a while of just staring into each other's eyes Yato sighs.

He begins to stand up but she quickly grabs him and pulls him back down.
She presses her lips to his.
He immediately kisses back cupping her face with both hands.
She leans up and sucks on his neck. She leaves dark marks causing the god to moan.
He undresses himself and her quickly.
She presses against the tree as Yato attacks her breasts.
He nibbles and sucks on one while he pinches and massages the other. After a while he switched, marking up them both.
She whimpers and moans in pleasure. She tugs on his plum colored hair.

He pulls her onto his lap and leans his back against the trunk of the tall tree.
She grinds against his member causing him to moan again.
Their kiss gets more heated and passionate.
He lifts her hips and slams his whole member into her.
She cries out loudly and buries her face into the crook of his neck.
He doesn't let her adjust and keeps pounding into her.
"Y-Yato please... slow down." She pleads but he shakes his head.
"You'll be begging me to go faster in a moment." He smirks down at her and she blushes deeply.

Her back arches as he attaches his lips around her nipples again.
He goes harder and deeper.
Her hips roll and his grip tightens.
Soon enough she moans loudly and he laughs.
"Told ya." He whispers and she begs him to go faster. He does as told.
She moans loudly.
He hits that special spot inside her and she gasps. He keeps hitting that spot and she chants the god's name.

She buries her face into the crook of his neck. She breathes in his scent which turns her on.
He tangles his finger in her hair and pulls softly.
She whimpers in pleasure and moans.
Without warning they both cum. They moan loudly while still thrusting.
When he stops moving they both pant heavily. He lifts her face and kisses her softly.
She kisses back, tangling her fingers in his hair.
Once they pull away they both smile.
"I'm so glad I finally have you," Yato whispers.
"And I'm glad you saved me from the phantoms." She responds just as quietly.

All Yukine could do was listen and watch in horror. His innocence was gone.

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