Sherlock Holmes

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"Sherlock Holmes put out that cigarette right now." Miss Hudson scolds angrily.
(Y/n) coughs quietly and looks at the landlady. "I-I'll be ok miss Hudson. Don't worry about me or the baby. I'm not too far along."
"Sherlock, miss Hudson is correct. Smoking around a pregnant woman is deadly for not only the mother but the baby."
"Piss off John." The detective grumbles, walking toward his chair.
"Sherlock... she will lose the baby if you don't stop." John informs in the saddest tone any of them have ever heard. It was like he was trying not to cry.
This stops the tall man in his tracks.
(Y/n) rubs her stomach then looks at her husband. "Sher-"
"Fine." He mumbles and squashes the death stick in the tray then crumples the pack and throws it in the garbage.
"Thank you Sherlock," John whispers.

(Y/n) smiles softly and kisses her husband's cheek. "I love you." She whispers and holds his hand.
Sherlock looks at her then her stomach. "I'm sorry for being an ass." He mumbles near her ear before kissing her temple.
"It's o-" Before she can finish her sentence she starts coughing.
John hands her a glass of water. "Drink (Y/n)."
The woman nods and drinks the entire glass.
"Slow down." Sherlock laughs softly.
"This is all your fault Sherlock. You should've stopped the moment you found out she was pregnant." Miss Hudson crosses her arms, still angry.
"He really shouldn't have picked up the habit to begin with." The doctor mumbles and sits next to the mother-to-be.

"Do you know how many years I've been telling him that?" (Y/n) inquires and crosses her arms.
"You shouldn't smoke in the presence of a lady. It's unsightly." Miss Hudson scolds once again.
"Lay off woman! I said I would stop smoking while she's pregnant."
"Sherlock, you have to quit permanently. Second hand smoke is deadly to an infant. You can't light up around the child." John exclaims.
This statement causes the detective's eyes to widen.
"Permanently?! I can't do that. Withdrawal symptoms are a bitch and I won't be able to concentrate on any cases."

(Y/n) frowns as she realizes he's right. "Sherlock... How about I stay with my parents until the baby is born. You need to work to make money and I know smoking helps. I won't make you quit and have to deal with the withdrawal."
"(Y/n) how can you-"
Before John can finish his question Sherlock cuts him off.
The parents stare into each other's eyes for a long while.
Everyone is silent as they converse with their eyes.

Finally Sherlock holds his wife's hand, pulling her to her feet.
She holds her stomach with her free hand.
He leans down and kisses her forehead. "I can't go that long without seeing you."
"Who would read them stories at night before bed?" (Y/n) asks, smiling softly.
"So you're gonna stay?" John asks.
"You'll give up smoking?" Miss Hudson adds.
"Yes." The couple confirms in unison.
The other two smile. "Glad to hear."

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