Kise and Kuroko

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"Hi Ko," (Y/n) greets.
The said blue haired boy jumps at the sudden appearance of the girl.
"Oh no, there's two of them." Kagami whispers looking between (Y/n) and Kuroko.
"What are you talking about Kagami?" Kuroko asks.
The girl smiles at the group.
"She has less presence than Kuroko. How is that possible?" Hyuga questions, looking between the three.
(Y/n) didn't pay attention to the ravenette and turns her attention back to the boy with blue hair.

"Ko are we still going?"
"Where are you going? We have practice." Kagami asks, putting his hands on his hips.
"I promised (Y/n) I would take her to see Kise."
"Why does she wanna see him?" Hyuga asks Kuroko.
"And why can't she go alone?" Kagami adds in.
"He's my brother. And I don't wanna go alone. His fans will probably mob me if I tried to get close to him."
The basketball players think back to when they met the model and his fans. "Yeah, he definitely has a lot of fans," Kagami grumbles.
"I didn't know Kise had a sister." Riko chines in.
"He um..." (Y/n) starts but trails off.
"He doesn't talk about her. Since they go to different schools and they don't live together anymore." Kuroko finishes for her.
"He sounds like a shitty brother." The redhead infers and crosses his arms.
"He used to be a really good older brother."
"Until he started playing basketball. He was focusing so much on practice that he started treating her differently," Kuroko informs.
"Like I said, shitty brother,"Kagami grumbles.
"I left home to live closer to school and I haven't seen Ryo since."

"I've tried to get Kise to visit you but he always ignores me."
"Don't worry Ko, I have you. That's all I need."
Rika whines and crosses her arms. "Why can't I find a nice guy and have a relationship like this?"
It was a rhetorical question but Hugya answered anyways.
"Maybe if you were-"
"Don't finish that sentence." The coach growls.
The captain holds his hands up in surrender.

"We should get going if we wanna catch him," (Y/n) says.
"First the pink haired girl now (Y/n). This is totally unfair, Kuroko," Koganei grumbles.
"Save some cute girls for us Kuroko." Izuki calls as the two walk away.
Kagami bounces his ball a few times while grumbling and watching his shadow walk away.
"How is it Kuroko can get a girlfriend but I can't?" Izuki questions, looking at his teammate.
"Maybe it's all your terrible jokes and puns." Koganei responds and Mitobe shrugs silently in response.

(Y/n) holds Kuroko's hand and squeezes nervously.
"I'm right here." He informs in his usual monotone.
"I know. Thank you Ko. I just hope Ryo doesn't overreact when we tell him about us."
"I don't know how he'll react. I just know he can't break us up. I care about you too much, and I don't give up on things I love."
(Y/n) blushes softly. "I love you too Ko." She kisses his cheek gently.

Soon they arrive at Kaijo and see the blonde walking out, followed by his fan base.
"Kise," Kuroko calls as the couple walks up to the model.
"Kurokocchi!" Kise cheers and waves toward his old friend and now rival.
Although upon seeing his sister his smile turns into a frown.
"Hi Ryo."
"Who is she?" One fan asks.
"And why is she using his first name?" Another asks.
"Who does she think she is?" A third girl grumbles.
"(Y/n)," Kise whispers.

It's silent for a bit before Kise turns to his crowd.
"I'm sorry everyone but I have to go. Have a nice night."
All the girls whine as he walks away with the couple.
Once they were alone, Kise finally noticed their intertwined hands.
"How long?" He asks.
"Almost two years Kise," Kuroko responds.
"Why didn't you tell me? Either of you. I think I deserve to know my best friend is dating my sister."

"Oh now I'm your sister? Only when it's convenient for you, right? You haven't spoken to me in three years Ryo! Ever since you started basketball you stopped spending time with me. You ignored me and acted like I didn't exist. Like basketball was more important."
"It's true Kise. She came to me for help but you ignored me too."
The blonde clenches his fists.
"Ryo, I decided to come here to tell you about me and Ko. I'm not looking for your blessing or approval. I love him and he loves me."
"I do," the blue haired boy confirms.
"(Y/n) I..." he trails off. He didn't know what to say.
I don't have the right to say anything anymore. He thinks to himself.
"Kise it's not too late to make things right. She comes to all my games and I'm sure she'd go to yours too." Kuroko offers, looking into gold eyes.
The blonde looks at his sister.
(Y/n) looks up into his eyes and tears stream down her cheeks.
Kuroko squeezes her hand.
The model sighs softly and hugs his sister. "I'm sorry." He whispers softly and pets her hair. "I know I can't make up for lost time but please accept my apology."
"You're such a jerk," (Y/n) mumbles hugging back.

Kuroko smiles softly. "Thanks Kise."
"Don't think I won't get on you about taking care of my sister Kurokocchi. You better be treating her like a queen."
"You're so dramatic Ryo." The girl grumbles and punches his gut gently.
As the blonde whines his sister leans into her boyfriend.
"Don't worry Kise. I'm taking really good care of her. Right?"
The (h/c) girl nods. "Yep."

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