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(Y/n) hums quietly as she makes heart shaped parfaits for dessert and acqua pazza as the main dish. She wanted to do something special for her Italian hunk for Valentine's Day.
They promised to spend this year together but she had an awful feeling he would be spending it at S... again.
Karou was nice enough to give her something for her sweet tooth on Valentine's Day.
Kojiro would feel awful for forgetting then make up for it on White day.
That's how every year for the past three years has gone.
Unfortunately this year was no different.
Not only did he forget but Karou didn't visit either. So she ate her dinner and dessert alone and drank an entire bottle of wine.

Drunk and depressed, (Y/n) grabs the board Joe got her for their first anniversary.
She gets Shokichi Oka to drive her to the S venue and the security lets her in, knowing all too well who she is.
(The first and last time she came they got their asses handed to them by Joe for harassing her)
(Y/n) stumbles to the gays hangout near the starting line.
Gays referring to Langa, Reki, Cherry and Joe then Miya and Shadow as their tagalongs.

Upon seeing the woman Cherry sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"He forgot again." The pink haired man mumbles.
"Who is that? Is she drunk?" Reki questions.
Joe looks at the woman and his eyes widen. "(Y/n) what are you doing here?"
"You asshole!" She yells and points at him.
This catches everyone's attention.
"You really did it this time you dopey gorilla."
"If you love skating more than me then fine! I challenge you to a race."

Everyone ooh's and looks at Joe.
"Babe, what are you talking about? You never skate. It wouldn't make sense to race y-"
"Is there trouble in paradise Joe?" Adam asks, riding over, smirking.
The green haired man glares at the matador. "Stay out of this Adam."
"I think this is perfect! Beef it out hunk." Adam looks at the woman.
"She's drunk! She'll get herself killed."
"Then maybe she shouldn't have challenged you."
"Are you serious Adam?" Cherry inquires.
"Of course. Entertain me Joe. Take your girlfriend up or she might get more angry."

"Shut up Adam." (Y/n) glares at the blue haired man then turns her anger toward her boyfriend again.
Before he can decline again she stumbles to the starting line.
"Joe get your ass over here. I made you acqua pazza and I made myself look good. You owe me."
"I'm not gonna race you."
"Start the countdown." (Y/n) calls, putting her board on the starting line.
"Adam don't let her do this." Cherry walks over to his old friend.
The stop lights start on red and turn green quickly.

Before the chef can grab his girlfriend's arm she runs off and jumps onto the board.
His eyes widen as he follows.
Everyone watches in shock at her speed and skill.
It seemed in her drunken state she was a pro.
Since she is smaller than her boyfriend, every time he goes to grab her she maneuvers around him and speeds away.
"If I win you have to leave S! And if you win I'll never bother you again. I'll go back home and you can keep being the bi playboy everyone fawns over."
Dispite their distance Joe could see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't agree. I'm sorry I forgot about our plans again but please stop skating. It's too dangerous. You don't know the course." Joe reaches out to grab her wrist but she pulls away quickly and skates faster.
"She's gonna break her neck," Reki comments.
"She's crying, but she looks so cool." Langa adds as the stars in his eyes shine.
Reki looks at his friend. "She's in serious danger. Don't praise her."
"Dammit Adam," Cherry mumbles and looks at the jumbo screen.
Adam smirks as he watches. "Oh the stakes are lose/lose. Poor Joe." He fakes sadness.

To everyone's surprise (Y/n) won.
The woman crosses the finish line then slips and falls forward.
Her face was about to hit the concrete but Joe grabs her waist and pulls her against his chest.
"What the hell was that?"
She pounds on his chest and cries quietly. "If you would rather skate than spend time with me just say so. I practice all the time so you'll think I'm just as cool as these guys but you don't even ask me about it."
"I didn't know that. I'm sorry I never asked you to come and watch, or even offer to skate with you. I can't believe you beat me."
"You weren't really trying to win that's why. You didn't take the race seriously. You couldn't have been more boring to watch. This lovely beauty though, was an absolute delight to witness. Drunk skating, I should slap her with a fine." Adam skates over and does circles around the woman.

(Y/n) gets dizzy watching him so she punches him in the face.
Then promptly pukes next to Joe but thankfully not on him.
Adam groans and holds his nose. "Well that wasn't very nice. But Joe, don't think I didn't hear her terms. She won the beef, meaning you must quit S."
"Maybe you're going dead then 'cause I didn't agree." The himbo rubs his girlfriend's back.
(Y/n) sniffles and shakes her head. "Don't quit. I didn't mean it. I was just angry. You promised we could spend Valentine's together this year."
"I'll make it up to you on-"
"I swear if you say White day I'm gonna punch you like I did Adam."

Karou sighs and crosses his arms. "You're the worst boyfriend, you dopey gorilla."
Joe glares at his best friend. "Fine. What do you want?"
"Right now?"
"I want another bottle of wine and to race Adam."
The said man smirks and snaps his fingers. "It would be my pleasure."

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