Byakuya Kuchiki Father's Day

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"Auntie Rukia, can you help me quickly?" (Y/n) calls, poking her head out from the kitchen.
The said woman smiles and walks over. "Sure. What are you doing in here?"
"I'm making papa chocolate for Father's Day. But I'm also gonna finally tell him I'm bi."
"You're bi what?" Rukia asks confused
"Bisexual? That I like boys and girls."
"Oh, that makes sense. I wonder how brother will feel about that?
"I hope he doesn't disown me or call me a freak of nature. I've been worrying so much about it since I figured it out. A few reapers have guessed but I begged them all to keep it a secret, especially from papa."
"I understand. I won't tell him, promise. I hope it goes ok."

(Y/n) takes a deep breath and walks to her father's office.
"Thank you captain Kuchiki."
"Until next time Byakuya."
Renji and Ukitake exit the office and smile at (Y/n).
"(Y/n) is that you?" Byakuya calls, looking up from his papers.
"Yes papa, it's me."
"Come in darling. What brings you here?"
(Y/n) sets the box on the desk and bows. "Happy Father's Day papa. I hope you like them."
The raven haired man opens the box and smiles softly. "They look wonderful."
(Thankfully she didn't inherit her father and aunt's horrid artists skills, (y/n) is actually good 😅)

He takes one and eats it.
(Y/n) bites her lip nervously. "It taste ok?"
"It tastes just as good as it looks. Thank you darling."
"Oh good, I'm so glad."
Unfortunately her fidgeting starts up again and her nerves shoot the roof.
"What's wrong?" Byakuya asks as he stands up and walks to his daughter.
"I have something really important to say. And I...I don't want you to hate me or think I'm weird or-"
"(Y/n)." He cuts her off and wipes her tears.
His stern tone makes her stop and sniffle.

He sighs softly and lifts her chin. "Be honest with me. What is this important thing?"
The girl takes a step back. "I realized recently that I like boys and girls, not just boys."
He raises his hand and she immediately squeezes her eyes shut and turns her head, waiting for a smack.
Thankfully he cups her cheek gently and turns it back.
"Darling look me in the eyes."
Slowly she does.
"This does not change anything. I have no right to say who you can love. Hisana was from the Rukon district, a lowly peasant girl if you will. But she was strong and I fell in love with her. I will support you no matter what."

"What if I love a human?"
Byakuya sighs and closes his eyes. "Then you will have to find a way to make things work."
(Y/n) cries softly and hugs her father tightly. "I love you so much papa."
"I'm glad you could be honest with me. I will always love you, no matter what?"
"What if I give a human my reaper powers in order to save our lives?"
"Then I will remind you right now what happened to your aunt so you can avoid making that mistake."
(Y/n) laughs softly and shakes her head. "I was joking papa."

Byakuya pulls away and kisses her forehead. "Don't ever be afraid of telling me anything. For instance, do you have a partner now?"
The girl blushes and shakes her head. "Not officially. Just I'm really torn between a guy from squad 11 and a girl from squad-"
"Wait, you're too young to be with any squad members."
"But you just said-"
"I know what I said." He responds, cutting her off again.
(Y/n) pouts cutely and crosses her arms. "Then maybe I should've said I had a crush on Ichigo."
"Ok I take back what I said. I refuse to let you be with Ichigo Kurosaki."

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