Gen Asagiri

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Senku laughs and crosses his arms. "I can't say I saw this coming Gen."
"Senku, you gotta help me. I don't know how to deal with this kinda thing."
"What do you mean? You're a mentalist, you should be able to handle this."
"Meddling in others' love lives is what I do best. I'm not equipped to handle my own."
"Plus I stay away from romance so what makes you think I can help you?"
"I don't know. Use your science to-"

"Hey Senku, have you seen Gen? I was supposed to-" (Y/n) trails off and smiles as he walks into the tent. "There you are."
Gen looks at his friend for help but earns none. "You found me." He responds, eyes closed as he smiles at the (h/c).
"You promised you would share your cola with me half an hour ago. Are you avoiding me?"
"No, of course not. Senku just needed my help with something."
"But now we're done so go on your date or whatever."
Both Gen and (Y/n) blush but the former glares at his friend.

Senku whistles, picks his ear and goes back to his science.
Gen sighs and turns to the other man. "We can go drink a cola I guess. The view is nice from the-"
"Or... we could have a nice meal instead. I won't make you give me one of your colas. I don't need it."
"Dinner?" He squeaks out and mentally panics.
"Unless you'd rather not. If what Senku said is bothering you I could leave you alone too. We don't have to hang out."
Gen pauses and looks at the other man.

His feelings are all jumbled.
He's a guy and I'm a guy. Wait, that doesn't matter. Can I make him happy? What would he like in me anyway? Do I actually like him?
(Y/n) waves his hand in from of his face. "You still here? You're spacing out."
"Oh sorry. I just..."
"You know, don't you? My feelings for you are obvious aren't they? I'm sorry I've made things awkward."
The mentalist blushes and looks away.
So he does like me 100%. What do I do?
"If you don't feel the same I understand. You're probably too busy with Senku and the kingdom of Science."

Gen grabs his hand quickly then bites his lip.
(Y/n) looks at the dual haired man.
"Why me?" He finally mumbles.
"Why you? There are a lot of reasons. It would take until sun down at least to explain. But I'll save you the speech. Would you maybe...maybe agree to be my boyfriend?"
Gen think for a while but smiles eventually and nods. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to see where this leads me. Senku always says trial and error."
"Do you think I'll be an error?"
The mentalist smiles softly and shakes his head. "No actually. I think this is one of the best decisions I've ever made."

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