Buddy Daddies

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(Y/n) crosses her arms and taps her foot slowly.
Rei's body turns stiff and he slowly looks at the woman. "What are you doing here?" He mumbles and looks away.
"Rei, who is she?" Kazuki asks, looking her up and down.
"Take a guess." She instead offers and gives him a deadpan expression.
She looks a lot like Rei to be honest. But I thought he was an only child.
"You're gonna hurt yourself if you think too hard, Kazuki." Rei mumbles and looks at his partner.

"Well then tell me Rei."
The said man sighs. "She's my twin sister."
The blonde's eyes widen in surprise. "Twin?!"
"It's kinda obvious. We look exactly alike, except for what's in our pants."
Kazuki blushes deeply.
Rei smacks him upside the head. "Stop that right now. She is off limits."
"I'm here to-"
"I know why you're here. The boss sent you to bring me back. Well I'm not going."
"I don't want to bring you back. I want you to have a life like mine. Ignored by him and forgotten. I wish we could be happy but he makes that impossible."
"Has he hurt you?"
"He's too busy forgetting I exist and is trying to get you back."

"Wait so he acts like you're not even there? That's awful." Kazuki mumbles and rubs the back of his neck.
"It's paradise compared to what my brother endures." (Y/n) corrects and looks at her twin. "I know you don't believe in twin telepathy but I do feel your pain Rei. I wish you would confide in me more."
"If I did the boss would-"
"Don't call him that. He doesn't deserve it."
"Would you rather me call him father?"
"No. He doesn't deserve that either."
"Then what should we call him?" The blonde asks.
"Scumbag? Jackass? Abuser? Take your pick Kazuki," (Y/n) replies.

"Why are you here?" Rei asks again and receives a sad look.
It made him sad as well.
He could only imagine what she's gone through since he left.
"I want you to leave the organization. And take me with you. I can help with Miri and we can be a happy family. I'm so sick of how he treats you and I want you to be happy. I wanna know more about my brother and his family."
"(Y/n) I-"
"I think that's a great idea." Kazuki interrupts and crosses his arms.

Obviously it wasn't as easy as just walking up to the man but eventually everything works out.
Kyu helps out a little and gets them on their feet.
(Y/n) was more than happy to help with Miri and she enjoyed having another woman in her life.
She also started calling her auntie (Y/n).
One morning though hit Rei really hard.

"I didn't know you liked (favorite food)." Rei mumbles as he walks past his sister eating dinner.
"Of course, it's my favorite."
This made him realize he doesn't know anything about his twin.
She knows plenty and she's slowly learning more as they live together but he doesn't know anything.
Tears stream down his cheeks slowly but he quickly turns his back to her so she can't see.
But she knew.

(Y/n) starts listing off her favorite things and things she hates.
Rei listens intently and slowly walks over to her. He hugs her from behind and she smiles softly.
Her thumbs slowly rub his arms.
"I love you Rei."
"I...I love you too." He whispers and buries his face in her hair. "Thank you for everything."
"What did I miss?" Kazuki asks, walking over with Miri.

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