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First Mikage, from which the shrine was named after, then Nanami, the pathetic human. Now serving in the beloved shrine (Y/n).
Nanami appointed (Y/n) as the new land god if ever she died. She was a human after all. Nanami died because she was going to save Kurama but she was tricked and eaten by the yokai of the shrine.
Tomoe was outraged and heartbroken.
Kurama was traumatized and hardly recovered once he was freed.
(Y/n) was an old family friend who Nanami loved dearly, though they didn't see each other much.
It was more so after Nanami learned how to be a god.
(Y/n) was 16 when she became the new land god but is now 23. A human who was even more hopeless than Nanami. (Is that possible?)
She is young and rebellious.
This of course angers Tomoe to no end.

(Y/n) had no interest in becoming the land god, but she had no interest in pawning the responsibility off on someone else. Deep down her heart was pure and that's what drew Nanami to her.
The late land god could see the potential just as Mikage could see it in her.
When (Y/n) told Tomoe he was so angry he nearly destroyed the shrine.
Tomoe was angry because as she told the yokai he believed she didn't care, when after he sort of calmed down he could see the tears streaming down the girl's cheeks.
She loved Nanami just as Tomoe did but was hard of showing it.

Seven years have passed and Tomoe has refused to accept (Y/n) as the land god.
First Mikage abandoned him, then Nanami died, and now another human imbecile wished to imprison him.
He thought to himself: how much will I have to endure before I can live a long peaceful life, alone.  
(Y/n) believed that Tomoe would never like her no matter what she did. So she decided to stop showing him what she could do and did things in secret or away from him.
The shrine spirits loved (Y/n) dearly and would follow her everywhere.
Especially since Tomoe wouldn't; they had to make sure nothing bad happened to her.
(Y/n) would go meet with humans whose wish she heard and did everything in her power to help them. 

Finally one day Tomoe blew up.
(Y/n) told Tomoe that she was going into town.
At first he had a flashback of when Mikage left, but he shook his head. He refused to let that haunt him.
Although when she went, no one was with her.
Kurama was walking by, on his way to record some songs for his new album. He saw (Y/n) and his eyes widen.
Flashbacks flood his memory. 
Just as her name was about to exit his lips another yokai walked up and started speaking with her.
(Y/n) being the woman she is, likes to have fun when she senses a yokai. She begins to flirt with him when he tries eating her.
Kurama could only stand there and watch. He didn't know if he should help her or let her be.
Although he was shaken from his thoughts when Tomoe kicks the yokai a few feet away.

Tomoe vowed to never lose another master, not like the others.
While the white fox battled the good looking yokai, (Y/n) was left unattended.
Another yokai, not as good looking, come up behind the young girl. He was about to gobble the youth in one bite; if Kurama didn't finally break from his trance once again.
The pop star punches the yokai and grabs (Y/n) by the waist. "I'm not losing someone else." He whispers more to himself, but (Y/n) could hear it anyways. 
(Y/n) holds on as Kurama runs away from the scene.
The tengu takes the youth back to her shrine and sets her down.

"Lady (Y/n) are you alright? Where is master Tomoe?" The shrine spirits ask in haste.
"I am right here." The white haired beauty informs from behind the tengu and his damsel. 
"Tomoe why did you save me; I thought you hate me? And Shinjirou why did you help me?"
The pop star looks at his feet.
"I refuse to let anyone else I care about die." The two males reply in unison.
The land god's eyes widen as she looks between the two males.
They care about me?
The silence between them was too much for Tomoe so he was the first to speak.

"I don't care about you; although you are the land god and you refuse to give the responsibility to someone more qualified."
"Not qualified?! How am I not qualified? I have done my duties since day one. Just because you refuse to recognize me as the land god does not! mean I have not done what I was supposed to. Tomoe you have no right to tell me that I am unqualified."
Everyone was shocked, to say the least, at (Y/n)'s outburst.
Her chest heaved as she took deep breaths at a somewhat fast pace.
Tomoe was wide eyed as his mind processed her words.
Kurama slowly backed away.

"Where do you think you're going Shinjirou?" (Y/n) asks looking at the tengu.
The idol stops and looks at the god. "I just thought this was more of a you and Tomoe thing so I was just gonna leave."
(Y/n) shakes her head. "You saved me. Now I will make you dinner. Now sit down at the table, with Tomoe and don't move."
The two yokai were now scared of the youth so they quickly sat at the table while the god moved to the kitchen to make a nice meal for the three of them. 
(Y/n) hums while she makes pork cutlet bowls. When she finishes she brings out the bowls and sets them in front of the two males and sits down between them.

They pick up their chopsticks and start eating.
"Thank you for the meal (Y/n)." Kurama says softly.
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "You're welcome Shinjirou."
They continue to eat until they are finished.
The shrine spirits take the dishes away and wash then put them away.
(Y/n) brought out the sacred sake that Mizuki made and poured some for all three. "I wanna play a game with you two."
"(Y/n) I insist that you not drink and go to bed." Tomoe stands then folds his hands together and closes his eyes.
"You will sit down and play a game with Shinjirou and I." (Y/n) commands and Tomoe immediately sits down, his eyes wide.
"Sacred word binding huh?" Kurama asks quietly.
(Y/n) sighs softly looking down.
Tomoe grabs the sake and downs it like a shot. "What game shall we play mistress?"

(Y/n) ignores the fact that Tomoe called her mistress for the first time, and drinks her sake. "I wanna play truth or dare."
The two males sigh but nod.
As the night progresses and the more drunk they get the more crazy the truths and dares become.
Finally Kurama dares Tomoe to kiss (Y/n).
Without hesitation Tomoe leans over and kisses the girl, straight on the lips, to which she kisses back.
(Y/n) cups Tomoe's face with both her hands.
He holds her waist and moves her to his lap.
The god moves her hands into his white hair.
Kurama whistles.
Tomoe runs his hands up and down her sides.
(Y/n) moans softly against his lips as pieces of clothing soon get thrown around the room.
The shrine spirits helps Kurama home as the two undress.

Tomoe hovers over his mistress as his lips travel to her neck.
His lips brush over the porcelain skin sending shiver down her spine.
"Tomoe take me." The god orders softly.
Tomoe smirks and nods once, slightly. He lines his member with her entrance and slams in.
The youth gasps and cries out.
He was not small and now (Y/n) knew it. 
The god grips the yokai's shoulders as he begins to thrust, hard and fast.
As his thrusts get faster and harder so does Tomoe's breathing.
(Y/n) pants as her breasts bounce.
His lips connect with her nipple and he massages the other with his free hand. After a while he switches breasts and give it the same treatment.

The youth moans the yokai's name in his ear.
This motivates Tomoe to move harder.
He hits that special spot inside her causing her to moan louder. He smirks and keeps hitting that spot over and over.
The coil inside them tightens until finally it unravels.
They moan each other's name as their backs arch.
Tomoe's hot seed spills into (Y/n) as her juices coat his thick member.
The girl pants as Tomoe pulls out and lays down with her. She curls into his chest as he holds her close.

In the morning (Y/n) wakes up, still in Tomoe's arms, but now they were covered with a blanket.
The shrine spirits must've pulled the blanket over them.
The god smiles at her yokai and kisses his cheek.
He didn't have to say it or even have to really feel it, but (Y/n) could be happy with that one night they shared.
She would always remember it.
The night Tomoe finally accepted her.

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