Moriarty the Patriot

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It's no surprise William spends as much time as he can reading in the library.
With a cup of tea from Louis and the window slightly ajar the atmosphere is perfect for getting lost in the pages.
The only thing that makes it more ideal is (Y/n) between his legs.
She sits quietly with her head on his thigh and listens to him read or even enjoys the silence when he doesn't.
One hand holds the book while his other runs through her hair.
It's as much a comfort to him as her.

Today was like any other.
William was reading when (Y/n) came in with his tea.
"Here, my love." She whispers softly as to not disturb his placement.
"Join me?" He requests and looks up into her eyes.
She smiles and agrees.
Her legs move to one side and she lays her head on his knee.
"My love, where did we leave off?" He asks quietly.
"Page 47 line 32." The woman responds and smiles softly.
William nods and begins reading aloud.
The sunset outside casts beautiful glows around the woman that the blonde found mesmerizing.
He bends down gently and kisses her temple.


Louis gets embarrassed easily.
It was a big reason William and Albert kept the boy away from women as much as possible.
But when they found out Louis had met a woman and fell for her, they couldn't refuse him the happiness.
His eyes light up, his face flushes and he daydreams often while doing his chores.
(Y/n) felt the same and the Moriarty brothers could tell it was genuine.
Now she is welcome over whenever she so desires.

Louis enjoys taking (Y/n) for a picnic on the hill near their manor.
When the weather is suitable (Y/n) will lay on her side, place her head on his thigh and enjoy his hand running through her hair.
For a while the sight of her between his legs made him blush profusely, but eventually it became habit and no longer bothered him.
Rather he enjoyed it, in an innocent way of course.
His attention will be focused on the clouds while she slowly drifts off to sleep.
When he notices he will lay back and join her in slumber.


There is nothing Albert loves more than (Y/n) sitting between his legs while he does anything.
Knitting, paperwork or reading.
He loves the comfort of her being so close and warm.
(Y/n) was surprised at first when Albert asked her to sit between his legs.
He was knitting his brothers matching sweaters and she helped unwind the yarn.
The couple makes small talk most of the time but enjoys the silence too.
As the years go by Albert had finally made up his mind.

(Y/n) hums quietly while her head rests on his thigh once again.
Albert runs his fingers through her hair slowly. "Darling?"
The woman frowns but doesn't remove her head.
That tone means this will be a serious conversation.
"Yes my love?"
"Will you marry me?"
Her body tenses and she slowly looks up into his eyes.
Albert looks down at his girlfriend.
"Do you mean that?"
"Of course I do."
(Y/n) smiles and moves to her knees, cups his face then kisses him.
"This that a yes?" He mumbles against her lips.


Moran does not hold back when it comes to (Y/n). When he wants something he tells her.
So one day he asked her to sit between his legs.
At first she gave him a skeptical look, obviously believing it was for something scandalous, but he assured her it wasn't.
He sits her with her back to the couch, each arm around one of his legs then tips her head back.
She blushes softly when he kisses her.
"Are you comfortable like this babe?" Moran asks quietly.
(Y/n) tips her head forward then positions herself slightly but smiles. "This is nice."
"You can lay your head on my hip or thigh if that's comfortable too."

So whenever Moran is on the couch doing anything (Y/n) brings whatever she's doing and sits between his legs.
Or if she just wants to relax she'll lean her back against the couch and lay her head back on his hip or high thigh.
Sebastian will close his eyes and lean back on the couch in the same way or play with her hair, depending on what he's doing or how he feels.
(Y/n) even caught William taking a picture on a borrowed camera.
The item is slowly gaining popularity around here.
He promised her a copy when the picture developed.


Fred never thought he'd find someone as important to him as William and the others.
But one day he came across (Y/n) and his feelings only grew.
William figured it out right away and only when the boy started bringing her to the manor did the other find out.
Fred craves physical affection but it makes him flustered and he won't admit it outloud.
So whenever they have free time Fred takes (Y/n) outside and to a large tree with a thick stump.
He sits down, with his back against the bark and puts her between his legs.
Her back presses against his chest and his arms wrap around her waist. Her head leans against his shoulder and her hands rest on his.
Their feet will either touch or rub against the other's legs.

These moments are always silent unless he asks her to hum.
She gladly does so quietly, kissing his cheek once in a while.
He holds her close and savors her scent for as long as she allows.
They stay outside for hours at a time just enjoying one another and the beautiful weather.
The first time they tried doing this during the winter, of course dressed warmer, it wasn't enough.
They both got sick and Louis had to attend to them.
William laughed and suggested they either stay in the manor or go to the greenhouse.


Sherlock always seems to be moving, doing experiments or out on a case or even pacing the room hoping for answers.
Rarely does he sit or lay down.
Which means (Y/n) savors the times when she can sit between his legs and lay her head on his knee.
He sighs and runs his fingers through her hair, sometimes leaving them there.
His mind will calm down if it was racing and answers will come to him.
Either that or he focuses completely on her.
Once in a while he'll lean down and kiss her temple.

"Sherly may I rest between your legs?" (Y/n) asks quietly.
Sherlock is sitting in his chair, one leg up. He slowly looks up at her and frowns.
Her expression makes him sad.
"Sure." Holmes mumbles then puts his leg down. "What's wrong?" He asks as she sits.
"I um... I've just had a bad day and being close to you might remedy that."
"I assume you don't want to talk about it."
(Y/n) shakes her head and closes her eyes. "Please just let me stay here, close to you."
"As you wish." He mumbles and plays with her hair.

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